The Great Men The “Great Man” Study of leadership Men in the Arena (Lincoln, Marshall and Churchill) Authentic, Innovative, Transformative… Learning from Great Statesmen? World of Commerce (CEO) = World of Warfare (Commander)
Churchill Leadership keys: candor and plain speaking, decisiveness, historical imagination and the ability to balance a view of the whole scene with attention to details Avoiding risks in business is the route to failure Responsibility must be combined with authority Decisiveness depends on the person at the top
Lincoln People: Get Out of the Office and Circulate Among the Troops; Build Strong Alliances; and Persuade Rather than Coerce. Character: Honesty and Integrity Are the Best Policies; Never Act Out of Vengeance or Spite; Have the Courage to Handle Unjust Criticism; and Be a Master of Paradox. Endeavor: includes Exercise a Strong Hand – Be Decisive; Lead by Being Led; Set Goals and Be Results Oriented; Keep Searching Until You Find Your Grant; and Encourage Innovation. Communications: Master the Art of Public Speaking; Influence People Through Convention and Storytelling; and Preach a Vision and Continually Reaffirm It.
Marshall Nine key leadership principles Do the Right Thing: Integrity. Do the Right Thing: Integrity. Master the Situation: Action. Serve the Greater Good: Selflessness. Speak your Mind: Candor. Lay the Groundwork: Preparation. Share Knowledge: Learning and Teaching. Choose and Reward the Right People: Fairness. Focus on the Big Picture: Vision. Support the Troops: Caring.
Authentic Leadership Genuine leaders who lead by example in fostering healthy ethical climates characterized by transparency, trust, integrity, and high moral standards. These are the leaders who are true to themselves and lead others by helping them achieve authenticity.
The Metrics of Authentic Leadership: Execution Execution is a discipline, and integral to strategy Execution is the major job of the business leader Execution must be a core element of an organization’s culture.
The Leveraging of Authentic Leadership: Relationships Building and nurturing the key relationships that we need to achieve success. Invest in people for an extraordinary return. Exchanging relationship currency Accumulating reputation capital Building professional new worth “Humble Inquiry:” An open environment of candor