GENERAL A branch of realism Later part of Realistic Age: 1890-1914 Shares same basic traits as Realism Takes these traits to a more extreme level.
EXTREME OBJECTIVITY Even more scientific objectivity than Realism Apply scientific method to writing; novel is a lab experiment Characters + setting + forces = plot Author as reporter/scientist presenting an objective slice of life Even FEWER restrictions on subject matter
EXTREME PESSIMISM: PESSIMISTIC DETERMINISM Determinism: no free will; your fate is determined for you by forces beyond your control or understanding: Nature Heredity Society Environment Animalistic, primitive drives
EXTREME PESSIMISM: PESSIMISTIC DETERMINISM Universe is a mechanistic, uncaring machine that destroys and maims without mercy, sympathy, or knowledge There is NO GOD to control or inhibit the universe or to ameliorate the pain it causes
EXTREME PESSIMISM: PESSIMISTIC DETERMINISM Humans are glorified apes Not created by God No immortal soul or spirit Driven by primitive forces Thin veneer of civilization gives illusion that humans are above other animals
EXTREME PESSIMISM Human nature is evil Existence is absurd: it makes no senses and there is no purpose to our blind stumblings through the world Universe is totally beyond our ability to understand Humans are totally insignificant; it is pure arrogance to think you are important in the grand scheme or to believe you can understand the universe or your place in it.
EXTREME PESSIMISM Nature: at best it is neutral and destroys unintentionally: it’s not even aware of you in your insignificance Nature: at worst, it is out to get you Law of the Jungle rules: Survival of the fittest Only the strong survive Social Darwinism
EXTREME PESSIMISM No responsibility for actions: we have no choice; thus we are not responsible for what we do
ATTITUDES Existence is pretty much pointless Life is one big trick filled with vicious little traps where we are mercilessly victimized Disillusionment: loss of faith in things that give life meaning: God, religion, fellow humans, country Forced to play a game; you are not told the rules; there is no referee; it is a game you can’t win, and yet play you must.
ATTITUDES Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare, Macbeth, act 5, scene 5