M. Miyabe, K. Horie, S. Shimizu, W. C. Chang and LEPS collaboration Diffractive φ photo-production off the deuteron near the threshold in LEPS/SPring-8 M. Miyabe, K. Horie, S. Shimizu, W. C. Chang and LEPS collaboration Kyoto Univ.
Φ photo production of proton near the threshold P, glueball, , f2’ p High energy Pomeron exchange Positive energy dependence. Low energy Pseudo scalar meson exchange Negative energy dependence. Pure natural parity exchange Pure unnatural parity exchange Decay angular distribution φ : photon pol. Angle Φ : K decay angle. φ-Φ
Results of proton target Peak structure around 2GeV. Natural parity exchange is dominant → 0+ glueball ? T. Mibe, et al
Interest of Deuteron target Coherent production Interact with deuteron itself. Incoherent production Interact with proton or neutron in deuteron.
Coherent production Deuteron is isoscalar target π exchange is strongly suppressed Very steeper t-slope in differential cross section dσ/dt . There are no coherent production data near the production threshold. Really exist? If coherent process is truly exist, which mechanism is dominant ?
Incoherent production Due to isospin effect, gπnn and gηnn has opposite sign. →unnatural parity exchange process is suppressed in neutron case. Information of unnatural (π/η) exchange process
Experiment at Spring-8 8GeV electron storage ring Harima Hyogo
BCS photon beam LEPS (Laser Electron Photon at Spring-8) Backward Compton scattered photon beam → 2.4GeV maximum energy → high polarization photon > 90%
Detectors setup Dipole Magnet(0.7T) TOF wall Start counter Liquid Hydrogen or Deuteron Target 50mm-long (2000 Dec.-2001June) 150mm-long (2002May-July) Aerogel Cerenkov (n=1.03) Silicon Vertex Detector MWDC 3 MWDC 1 MWDC 2 1m
Summary of data taking Trigger condition : charged hadron track ≧ 1 Run period (50mm-long LH2) 2000,Dec. – 2001, June (150mm-long LH2) 2002,May - 2002.July (150mm-long LD2) 2002,July – 2003 Feb, Apr-Jun Total number of trigger 180M trigger (~50% Horizontal, ~50% Vertical pol.) 170M trigger ( same ) 460M trigger ( same )
φ event selection Total φ event ~ 20K
Existence of Coherent Missing Mass distribution of D(γ,φ)X Red : coherent(MC) Blue : incoherent(MC) Black : experiment data E2~E9 : 2.423~1.723(GeV) → 0.1(GeV) divided
Extract coherent process Black Experiment data Blue Incoherent mode (MC) Red (Black) – (Blue) → Coherent component ? E2~2.423(GeV) ↓ 0.1(GeV) divide E9~1.723(GeV) Preliminary
Cross section of coherent Fit with exp(b*t) Slope b is very steep Larger than 10 Very Preliminary
Summary First find coherent production off deuteron near the threshold region. Very steep t-slope > 10 (GeV-2) agreement with theoretical prediction.