Implementation of Change Before and After 10/08/2013 Discharge Process Implementation of Change Before and After 10/08/2013
Before Implementation Discharge Data Before Implementation
TAT in Minutes—Before Implementation This is the TAT in minutes BEFORE implementation began. The average discharge time in minutes is at 178 minutes…we can see a downward trend occurred right before implementation of the new process
The last pareto chart showed that transportation and family availability are 85% of the reason that discharges are delayed
TAT by disposition—the TAT for ECF discharges totaled out to 189 minutes on average, while Home discharges were taking an average of 168 minutes
The average TAT by HOD indicates that it takes us longer to discharge patients at the beginning of the day than it does at the end of the day
This is the d/c TAT by DOW before implementation This is the d/c TAT by DOW before implementation. We began to see a flattening out of all the days, so less variability was seen between weekdays and weekends.
This includes the TAT before and after implementation This includes the TAT before and after implementation. Although we do not continue to see the downward trend, we do see that the average discharge time, from 6/16 to 10/03, has decreased to 174 minutes!!!
Post implementation, we have been able to decrease our average discharge time to 149 minutes!!! FANTASTIC!!
The reason for discharge delays continue to involve transportation and family availability at 85%
TAT by disposition indicates that ECF discharges are taking around 155 minutes—about a 30 minute improvement from the last data collection Home discharges are taking around 129 minutes!!!!!!
The D/C TAT by HOD for post implementation indicates that it is taking us a little bit longer at the end of the day to discharge patients. This could be a factor of limited ambulance availability, or an increase in family education on discharges may be allowing patients to return home earlier in the day instead of waiting for family to get off of work!
The D/C TAT by DOW, where 1 = Sunday, etc, indicates that we are still doing really well on the weekend discharging patients. Of course, we do not have as many discharges over the weekend. We have a lot of variability on Friday, but it appears Wednesday is the hardest day for us. Overall, however, the average times look really good!