INVACT-Pubs All-in-one software for Publisher/Distributor/Book Trader Brought to you by - LOGIC SOLUTION Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Intelligent Software - Your decisions depend on your data, information and reports Improved Productivity - Profitability of your organization depends directly on Productivity & Efficiency Secure Data - The least you can afford in todays competitive world – to worry about your data security and wasting time in non-productive works. [ Strategy+Analysis ] x Intellect = Real Impact Regd Off: R-181-2nd Floor-B2, Street No.8, Ramesh Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi Mktg Office: D-14, 2nd Floor, Sai Baba Mandir Road, Behind Navrang Showroom (on Vikas Marg), Delhi – 92 Ph. No , , , , : Great Performance, Delivered.
Software Features Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Software for managing all works related to your business. Basic Features InvactPUBS All-In-One Software for PUBLISHERS, DISTRIBUTORS, BOOK TRADERS Upgrade from Tally, Busy and other Publisher Software. High Performance SQL Server Based, Multi user or Single user. Define user rights for Each Activity (Add/Edit/ View/ Delete) Data Lock/Freeze on different dates. Financial Accounting (All types of Voucher) Purchase, Inventory, Sale Order Management Title in Different Prices Sales/Billing, Performa, Quotation, Cash Memo / Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note Multi-company multiple invoice format Production – Paper stock tracking with printer Export Invoice, Packing List, Bank Letter, Covering Letter Title wise, category wise discount, invoice wise multiple discount provision
Software Features Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Basic Features Multiple ADD/LESS Head, Taxes, Freight provision Multi-currency (Rs, $,, £) Billing English/Hindi/Punjabi/Urdu Title print in same invoice Multi-page billing Royalty Calculation Payment reminder letter, party ledger statement Sale Register, Purchase Register, Ageing Report Title Stock Ledger, Stock Valuation Report Cataloging with Photo and Details All Types of MIS Report (Generate Address Labels) Generate Trial, P/L, Balance Sheet automatically.
Software Features Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Detailed Features Different Modules available in the software are Financial Accounting Purchase Inventory Production and Job Work Sales and Marketing MIS Reports and Utilities
Software Features Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Financial Accounting This is a full-fledged accounting module with all types of voucher entry and preparation of Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet. First of all you will get all the standard accounting groups created for you whenever you create a company in the software. But you have the option to create any type of accounting groups specific to your company. Then you create all the accounting ledgers as per your requirement. Ledgers are divided into different categories in simplified manner like – Accounting Ledgers, Party Master and Tax Master, so that the operator is not confused how to create a party and under which group. You can define taxes yourself as and when government rule changes. Most importantly you get Tree like view which shows exact structure of your accounts. Different types of voucher available are --- Journal Voucher * Cash Receipt Voucher * Cash Payment Voucher * Bank Receipt Voucher * Bank Payment Voucher * Cheque Bounce etc. There is no need to create a voucher entry for Sales or Purchase or Job Work. All the relevant accounts like party account, sale account, purchase account, tax account, freight account etc get automatically affected. You get Bank Reconciliation module also incorporated in this Accounting System.
Software Features Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Purchase In this module you make Purchase Order, Title Purchase, Debit Note etc. All the relevant accounts get affected automatically. Stock is automatically updated. Inventory You can make entry of Opening Stock of both materials and Titles. You can maintain same material/item at different rates. While issuing material/item you have the option to select rate and your stock valuation is affected accordingly. Production and Job Work Here you can maintain both in-house production and job work. Material requirement is calculated as per BOM. In production you have option of issuing material either manually or through Auto Issue. During Auto Issue material is issued using FIFO method. Shortage of material is automatically reflected. In Job Work section you have detailed option of either Component Material Job Work or Finishing Product Job Work or converting material to product after job work. Here you create Job Work Order, then issue challan of material required to vendor. After processing you receive material back as material or finished product. You can issue material through multiple challans and receive material in diiferent Lot/Batch also. Sales and Marketing In this module you create Quotation, Performa Invoice, Sale Order, Invoice (Tax/Retail), Cash Memo, Credit Note. You can create invoice by selecting Quotation/Performa. Work Order is sent to production section and status is reflected in report section.
Reports Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Reports You get a detailed report menu as per following. General Reports Address Label Product Catalogue (With Photo) Currency History Report Inventory Report Material Ledger Material Valuation Title Stock Ledger Title Stock Valuation Title/Publisher wise Stock Ledger Title Summary Report Job Work/Production Report Production Material Status Printer Paper Status Report Binder Status Report Semi Finished Stock Report Sale Order Status - Party/Product Wise
Reports Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Account Report Sale Register Title/Party Wise Sale Register Invoice/Cash Memo Register Sale Order Status Report Approval/Specimen Status Report Purchase Register Title/Party Wise Purchase Register Debit Note Register Credit Note Register Dispatch/Specimen/Challan Register Day Book Agent Commission Royalty Report Profit Register City Wise Report Courier/VPP Report Output Tax Report Input Tax Report VAT Report Party Ledger Account Ledger Bills Receivable (Ageing Report) Bills Payable (Ageing Report) Cash Book Bank Book Trial Balance Profit & Loss A/c Balance Sheet
Utilities Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Utilities Apart from all these modules you get some other unique features also. Detailed User Right Module Here you get a Super User/Administrator and you can create multiple other users/operators. Give user right one by one on specific process/module. User rights are further divided as ADD/EDIT/VIEW/DELETE. For example a user having ADD right on Product Master can make entry of new products only and nothing else. A person having EDIT and VIEW right on Invoice cannot create new Invoice and cannot delete Invoice but can view and edit existing invoice. So everything is at your control. Lock/Freeze Data You can lock your data upto a specific date so that entries beyond that date cannot be modified. Most importantly, different processes/modules can have different lock date. Important Date/Task Alert You can define your important date and tasks and can specify when you need a alert for these tasks. According the software gives you pop up alert.
Login Screen Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Home Screen with Pop-up Alert Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Financial Accounting Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Masters Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Opening, Purchase, Production Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Issue, Sales, Vouchers Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Financial Accounting Structure Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Party Master Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Party Record Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Party Discount – Category Wise Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Currency Master Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Record Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Record Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Courier/VPP Charge Structure Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Opening Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Transfer Title Master between companies Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Purchase Order Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Receipt Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Debit Note Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Printer Order Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Print Order Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Paper Purchase Order Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Paper Receipt & Issue Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Paper Issue Challan Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Receipt from Printer Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Issue to Binder Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Receipt from Binder Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Paper Status Report Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Print Order Status Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Binder Status Report Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Challan/Dispatch Advice Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Challan/Dispatch Advice Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Challan VPP Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Manage Invoice Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Invoice Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Invoice Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Bank/Covering Letter Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Credit Note Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Export Invoice Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Export Invoice Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Export Invoice Print - II Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Packing List Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Packing List Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Packing Sticker Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Journal Voucher Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Cash Receipt Voucher Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Cash Voucher Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Bank Voucher Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Bank Voucher Print Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Bank Reconciliation Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Label Generation Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Catalogue Generation Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Currency History Report Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Stock Ledger Generation Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Title Stock Ledger Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Stock Summary Report Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Sale Register Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Manage Users Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Manage User Rights Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Manage Company Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE
Some of our clients Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Some of our Esteemed Clients: Ø Planman Media (A Division of IIPM) Ø Taylor & Francis Ø NCPUL (Ministry of HRD) Ø Commercial Law House Ø Indian Book Depot Ø Pustak Mela Samiti Ø Neyogi Offset Pvt. Ltd. Ø Star Books, UK Ø Tehelka Ø South Asia Book Distributor & Publisher Ø Indian Social Institute Other clients are listed in our website
Get in Touch Customized Software: Converting your THINKING into SOFTWARE Get in touch with us for a Demo Visit us at LOGIC SOLUTION [ Strategy+Analysis ] x Intellect = Real Impact D-14, 2 nd Floor, Laxmi Nagar, Vikas Marg, Delhi Ph. No.: , , , ,