The e-portfolio And other such bother
The basics Check details and jobs dates esp if LTFT Make sure you have signed declarations and the ESR Any problems you can address via the website or direct to the RCGP via your own e-portfolio Our local expert is Dr Matt Smith Omar for all enquiries that are relevant locally eg posts ESR CSR breaks
Its quality not quantity Minimum assessments (cbds etc) are minimum and may put a few more ESR can insist on more Curriculum coverage needs to be balanced and would like to see double figures in all of them by the end of ST3
Process The mug (you) makes the entry daily/weekly Checked by GP trainer (or clinical supervisor ). ESR reviews ST1s: September, December, February and May ST2s: September, December and May ST3s: December and May Every 6 months .If out of post esr makes an out of post review
professional competencies How many ? What are they?
13 professional competencies Communication and consultation skills Practising holistically Data gathering and interpretation Making a diagnosis/decisions Clinical management Managing medical complexity Organisation, information management & leadership
Working with colleagues and in teams Community orientation Maintaining performance, learning and teaching Maintaining an ethical approach Fitness to practise CEPS
Mini-cex/cot/ cbd mapping
What forms and other pieces of work does the esr need?
Forms to be uploaded in advance of ESR reviews CBD mapping COT/minicex mapping (NOE workbook) HDR attendances Make sure you have a post reflection Make sure you have self assessed your own competencies well in advance of the ESR meeting Any complaints against you need to be logged in form R
It is your responsibility to get this done Make appointments fitting in with your ESR`s schedule They should not be chasing you up I want to see two “competents” in each box in the ST3 year at least for each competency in the NOE workbook
What to do when?
What to do when? COT or mini-CEX CBD MSF PSQ CEPS CSR ST1 3+3 1+1 COT or mini-CEX CBD MSF PSQ CEPS CSR ST1 3+3 1+1 5 clinical 1 if in GP post Yes 2 (CSR in every attachment) ST2 Nil 1 if in GP post and not done previously (CSR in every attachment incl GP) ST3 6+6 incl one audio COT 6+6 5 non-clinical 1
The PDP 3 or 4 entries per job Should be SMART Lets look at some of yours and get feedback
SMART(IES) S pecific M easurable A cheivable R elevant T ime limited I mpact E motions S uccesful
PDP Arrange yourselves in posts group Lets create some PDPs specific to the 6 month ahead
Features of a good log entry
The log entry Make it something worthwhile to you Need 3 quality entries per week 2 in hospital posts. Aim to give general overview with specific areas relevant to you (see pearls document) Recording feelings is good
The Log entry Make it easy for the trainer and educational supervisor to link to competency (spoon feeding is good) Use your natural style its not an English exam! Can link these into PDPs
Significant event analysis 3 SEAs in every six month post. Recorded in form R Need to have your own significant personal involvement in the mishap whether your fault or you raised and dealt with an issue eg colleague systems or procedures .
Features of a good learning log entry for significant event What happened? Clarity of expression of salient features of the significant event What issues are raised by this significant event? Demonstrates relevance of the event to the working practices of the individual and the team. As well as reflection, and appreciation of both personal and procedural aspects of the event. What was done well or otherwise and what could be done differently in future? Reflective description in terms of knowledge, skills and feelings
Reflective writing Gibbs cycle Visit scenario Think through thoughts feelings prejudices attitudes values beliefs What do you know and what you need to learn How did your knowledge translate into action What needs to change /actions required Self aware Honest and open Can you link a behavior to a competency
What further (personal) learning needs did you identify? Demonstrates ability to express learning needs that are specific, measurable and achievable, and relate to the reflection on the significant event How and when will you address these? Realistic and definite plans described
Reflection on posts This is to be filed rather illogically in the section titled courses/seminars though makes sense if its in the professional conversations It is read and we look at these to get feedback on posts every 12 months Please also fill in the NOE signpost in the relevant section Survey monkey for GP posts sent out only few weeks ago
OOH 1 session of OOH per month of GP HUB sessions Need to be recorded and an attachment filled in by the supervising GP Need to write up a cases showing aspects of learning Checked by the educational supervisor and then the ARCP panel at completion Start early don’t leave to the end of ST3
In it you record your time out of training TOOT do not leave this blank it will be bounced by the college. Here you record serious untowards incidents and official complaints coming through the complaints systems and reflect in your portfolio in SEA section IE BLANK IS BETTER
How would you get a CEP?
CEPS CEPS are basic but need assessing by ST4 or above except for smears (nurse) There are 5 mandatory CEPs breast, female genital, male genital, prostate and rectal. Additional portfolio log entries relating to confirmed physical exam findings are useful No Minimum number
Joint surgeries /COTS or examination observation by a senior or practice eg presenting the CSA examination next week Or in CSR report OR clinic letter with signs confirmed by scan or consultant letter
QI Needs to be a completed cycle Deanery suggests this be in the first 6 month post and only one required in the 3 years but can be asked to do more in your jobs eg hospital or GP Will be looked at in the end of the year as well but ST1s will need to get cracking!
Form R Compulsory for ARCP yearly and ongoing revalidation. Attach as a single document not multiple attachments Use the right form (example) April 2017 version
Form R the right one
ARCP In preparation for the ARPC yearly Have they logged enough good quality entries. Are they of significant breadth and depth (multiple entries in ALL of the domains e.g. SEAs, audit/project, clinical encounters etc)? Have they been mapped to the curriculum (on average 2 or more per log entry) and is the mapping valid? Is there good curriculum coverage? Have they completed the minimum numbers of workplace based assessments (CBDs, COTS etc)
arcp Enough CEPs and OOH sessions? Are they using their PDP? What does the ES report say (clear statements by the ES are very helpful)? What does the CSR reveal (especially if they were from a GP Trainer)? What do the MSFs say about the Registrar?
ARCP What does the PSQ reveal about their practice (NB MSF was found to be a more important discriminator)? Have they completed their NOE workbook Have they uploaded their form R Have they uploaded the receipt of GMC survey completion OOHs, CPR/AED and Safeguarding signed off QI project completed? Till the final grand finale mostly at the end of 3 years
What do you need before an ARCP panel
Completed CSR ESR Form R end ST year NOE workbook CBDs minicex Self assessment of competencies
Revalidation If revalidation falls in ST period don`t worry as long as your portfolio is ok and you are engaging in it and you are passing your ARCP your responsible officer will automatically revalidate you