Harald Alvestrand IETF Chair IETF-61, Washington DC, USA Welcome to the Plenary Harald Alvestrand IETF Chair IETF-61, Washington DC, USA
Our Agenda 1930 - Welcome, and introduction (Harald) 1940 - Host's presentation 1950 - A word from the NomCom (Danny McPherson) 1955 - State of operations: RFC Editor report (Aaron Falk) IANA report (Doug Barton) IESG operations (Bill Fenner) 2010 - Review of IAB Architectural Activities (Leslie Daigle) Messaging workshop (Pete Resnick) 2020 – Admin Restructuring – status (Harald & Leslie) 2100 – IESG & IAB Open Plenary
Who We Were This Time 1314 registered attendees 26 countries (down!) Seoul: 1390 San Diego: 1469 26 countries (down!) Many companies Still working.
Document Actions and RFCs since San Diego (Remember: this is 3 months) 4 new WGs, 11 closed WGs 347 new I-Ds (219 in last 4 weeks) 462 updates (249 in last 4 weeks) 55 Last Calls 94 approvals (some for multiple docs) 92 RFCs published (3849-3934) Work got done!
Future meetings Spring IETF: Minneapolis March 6-11 No sponsor Summer 2005 IETF: Paris, France July 31-Aug 5 Sponsor: France Telecom Fall 2005 IETF: Not known yet November 6-11
Welcome to the plenary!
Use of Plenary Time Please – make your remarks short and to the point Remember to speak clearly – many of us don’t come from the US One mike is for issues One mike is for comments on issues Welcome to the plenary!
Issues raised