Update from EDUFI Comments on Global Responsibility as part of the Government Policy of Internationalization HEI ICI Coordinator meeting 1st November 2018
Organizational change SOCIETAL IMPACT Welfare Equality Lifelong learning Open-mindedness 1 project: Finland involved in solving the global learning crisi Working towards impact in society; welfare among pupils and students, equal opportunities in education and inernationalization, LLL, Open-mindedness Vaikutusohjelmat; globaalin oppimiskriisin ratkaiseminen
SAVE THE DATES HEI ICI webinars on the annual reporting 2018 Thursday 31ST January and Tuesday 5th February 2019
Erasmus+ capacity building for higher education 28 November 2018 Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education EDUFI Guidance for Applicants Webinar The Erasmus+ capacity building actions 2-3 year projects to modernise higher education Yearly Calls for proposals, Project budget 500.000 – 1 million Euro Staff costs (max 40%), travel costs, costs of stay, equipment https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/actions/key-action-2-cooperation- for-innovation-and-exchange-good-practices/capacity-0_en 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education
Governmental policy to promote internationalisation in HE and Research 2017-2025 High-quality education and research Attractiveness of Finland and better services for incoming students, researchers and staff Export of education Genuinely international HE communities: a study or training period abroad to be included in all study programmes, internationalization@home, language learning, more international staff, using EU programmes HEI’s to define their own profiles and strategies http://minedu.fi/documents/1410845/4154572/YMP-en-net.pdf/ab74d6b2- a48f-49ee-9563-6313f87198ae OPH osallistunut strategian valmisteluun, osallistuu useaan työryhmään, mm. globaalivastuu 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education
Working group on Global Responsibility Aims to integrate the topic within the existing seven objectives Comments feed into the Forum for Internationalization meeting 12.11.2018 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education
Finland is the home of high-quality education Greater international attraction through latest science and leading research Internationalization at home, each graduate equipped with a study component offering internatonal perspectives and competences Finland is the home of high-quality education Diversity of partnerships, involving the global south academic results Linkages between HE/research and the SDGs – as part of HEI actions and strategies Regular monitoring and ”state-of-the-art” reporting on internationalization Build momentum for sharing Finnish knowledge, expertise and educational innovations Finland takes a role in solving global challenges, e.g. the learning crisis Ethical standards for educational export activities CROSS-CUTTING TOPICS RELATED TO GLOBAL RERPONSIBILITY Additions, comments, which ones are to be prioritized? Regular reporting/monitoring: effects of tuition fees, numbers of EN-taught programmes, academic partnerships with ODA-countries, joint academic results 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education
A warm welcome to Finland Supporting non-EU students studies and integration in society National scholarship scheme The Finnish message is heard internationally Finland solves global challenges, also equality and academic freedom as values Team Finland Knowledge Network Stronger synergy between MinEDU and MFA, educational export opportunities linked to publicly funded partnerships, cross-fertilization TFK – Buenos Airas, Singapore, Peking, Washington Scholarship scheme – prioritized by EDUFI 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education
Pre-filled Results Area Excel for reporting 2018 03/01/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education