Exam #4 Review *Page 156-158 : The National Bank and The Whiskey rebellion. What did Alexander Hamilton propose to help the new govnt’s finances? President chooses his cabinet, Whiskey Rebellion over taxes imposed from the National Bank. *Page 158-159 : Federalists and Democratic Republicans. What factors led to the establishment of two political parties? Political parties, their supporters. *Page 165-167: The Alien and Sedition Acts. How did the Alien and Sedition Acts interfere with the lives of Americans? Aliens, sedition, interposition, nullification. *Page 179-181: The War of 1812. What are the causes and effects of the War of 1812? Non-Intercourse Act, War Hawks, Amendments. American System (p.214) and Monroe Doctrine (p.193). How did Henry Clay’s “American System” and Monroe’s Doctrine help repair the country following the War of 1812? Graphic organizer on both. Westward Expansion. What does the gaining of territories say about the ambitions of the United States? Graphic organizer on Northwest Ordinance, Louisiana Purchase, Adams-Onis Treaty, Kansas Nebraska Act. *Page 224-226: Jacksonian America. How did Andrew Jackson’s presidency begin to change America? Spoils system, Tariff of Abominations, Force Bill. *Page 226-227: Jacksonian America- Indian Removal. Why is the presidency of Andrew Jackson a time of democratic growth and national embarrassment? Cherokee, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears. ** Supreme Court Cases** Marbury v. Madison (p.170, 171) & Worcester v. Georgia (p.R-61)- Graphic organizers, date, decision of the case, impact or effects of the case.