STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIS) Online Adjustment Viewing User: Students
Step 1: Open your browser and type
Step 2: A log-in page will appear Step 2: A log-in page will appear. Use your CSBInfonet account to log-on.
Step 3: After successful login, click Adjustment Viewing link from the menu (right side of the screen).
Step 4: Read the Online Adjustment Policy, then click Continue button.
Step 5: A screen will appear for you to view the courses that have been approved, disapproved, added, or dropped by your Academic Advisers.
IMPORTANT Please consult your Academic Adviser during Online Adjustment Approval activity and/or Online Adjustment Viewing activity to discuss your Online Adjustment Record. You will not be allowed to change/add schedule during Online Adjustment Change Schedule activity if your Online Adjustment Status is still “Pending Approval”. You may contact your Academic Adviser to approve your Online Adjustment Record.
Step 6: When you are finished, click Sign out (upper right of the screen) for security purposes.