Agenda (for me) Identify the fallacy – then post the link TED Talk: Silence is Deadly Discuss articles from yesterday – SB text Review definitions of evidence terms Discuss pieces & identify evidence ATSS Discussion Chaps. 4-9 UDHR Activity HW: Review the chart of Common Fallacies (p. 184 in SB book) & find examples – commercials or print ads – post links to blog Identify the fallacy – then post the link Example: Hasty Generalization:
Reminders – 10-18-17 ATSS, Quiz, Chaps. 1-9 and background tomorrow! ATSS, Next chapters 10-15 due Monday Research Paper: Topic Proposal due Monday by 11:59 PM via Google Drive HW: Study for Quiz tomorrow! Review the chart of Common Fallacies (p. 184 in SB book) & find examples – commercials or print ads – post links to blog Identify the fallacy – then post the link Example: Hasty Generalization:
TED Talk Thursday: The danger of silence As you watch today’s TED Talk, jot down words and phrases you hear that resonate with you (stick with you). After watching, respond to the following questions: According to Clint Smith, what does it mean to have a voice? How have you used your voice for good? How have you allowed silence to quiet your voice? The speaker, Clint Smith, speaks of 4 tenets he has his students agree to in his classroom: “read critically, write consciously, speak clearly, tell your truth” What is “your truth”? Begin to free write what that is.
Argument Discuss articles from yesterday – SB text Review definitions of evidence terms Discuss pieces & identify evidence
ATSS – Chaps. 4-9 One Question, One Comment (index card)
United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights In the envelope, you will find 2-3 Articles of the Human Rights included in the Universal Declaration. With your partner: Read and determine what human right is being addressed. It the “Right to _____________” or “Freedom from ____________” Write this on your paper. You will use a piece of copy/construction paper for each UDHR article. For each Article, answer the following question: Why is it so central to the well-being of an individual and of a nation? *You will post and we will do a gallery walk to review.
Gallery Walk (If time) Post and review Add current issues or historical issues that relate to that human right. (Graffiti Style w/ a marker) This will serve as a beginning brainstorm of for your topic proposal