Describe the significance of 5 of the following Stonewall Uprising (riot) Cesar Chavez Equal Rights Amendment Watergate Scandal Détente Helsinki Accords Halloween Massacre Gerald Ford Iran Hostage Crisis 1970s Oil Crisis Kent State Shooting War Powers Resolution Nixon’s Southern Strategy Camp David Accords Anything not on the list that you learned from Friday’s presentations (only one can’t be your own)
The 1980s and the Conservative tide. “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the Problem”
I. The New Right Right wing groups across the country emerged to support single issues that reflected their key interests. They created the conservative coalition- an alliance of business leaders, middle-class voters, disaffected democrats and fundamentalist Christian groups.
II. Reaganomics President Reagan introduced a sweeping package of new economic policies called Reaganomics. (1) budget cuts (2) tax cuts (3) increased defense spending
B) Many of the spending cuts came from Great Society programs that were designed to help the poor. C) The nation faced an AIDS epidemic during the 1980s, the Reagan administration was criticized for not addressing it.
5.4 List the coalition that elected Reagan in 1980. Describe the economic philosophy known as Reaganomics in one sentence.
III. Foreign Policy A) Soviet Union 1) Massive amounts of money building up the military (outspent them!). 2) Prevent an attack by making them fearful of a retaliatory attack. 3) Many protested against the nuclear arms build up.(Freeze Movement) 4) Reagan proposed Star Wars, (SDI) A spaced-based system to protect from nuclear attacks.
B. Terrorism Reagan sent troops to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission. 241 American service members were killed by a truck bomb in Beirut at a Marine compound. The bombing was traced to Hezbollah. Iranian and Syrian involvement was suspected.
IV. Iran Contra B) Reagan’s Administration illegally sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of hostages. The money was used to secretly fund anti-communist guerrillas in Nicaragua. Reagan claimed that he didn't’t know anything about it.