Emile Durkheim & Functionalism BR: In your opinion, which of the previously mentioned societies would be ideal? Explain why you think so! Emile Durkheim & Functionalism
Modern Perspectives of Society There are many important sociologists that have been part of the field of sociology. The three that are considered most important are: Emile Durkheim, who focused on Functionalism Karl Marx and Conflict Theory Max Weber and Symbolic Interactionism
Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim heavily use the theory of Functionalism to describe and understand people and society. He believed that all the different parts of society were important, and should be individually understood. One thing he identified was collective conscience, which is identified as the communal beliefs, morals, etc. of society. Another key idea he created in sociology was the idea of social integration, which can be identified as the strength of the ties people have to the social groups they are part of.
Durkheim’s Functionalism Like other sociologists, Durkheim believed that society was like a living organism, with all of its parts serving a purpose! He even argued that deviants, or those who did not follow the mores, values, etc., were important, because when they were punished or failed to succeed that was an important lesson to others to follow the rules. VID He was dissatisfied with the society that he lived in, fearing that the “cultural glue” that held it together was failing, with people becoming more and more divided (sound familiar? I’ve heard many people say the same thing in recent years too)
Functionalism Evolution Durkheim argued that Preindustrial societies were maintained by mechanical solidarity, which was reinforced by collective conscience. People in these societies do things because they have always been done that way. With low division of labor, most people are doing the same things, and think the same way. Organic solidarity is the next step. It is, on the other hand, based on societies that accept economic and social differences. Because of high specialization, people are doing lots of different things, and people tend to be more diverse, in the way they think, act, dress, etc. However, since they are interdependent on one another, they are more accepting of differences. Sometimes it can take some time for societies to make this transition; social anomie results (literally: social anarchy). Collective norms are weakening, people are interdependent but still ignorant of different groups, etc. Eventually, a society will resolve these issues, often rising to organic solidarity, and avoiding anomie in the future. Where does our society stand in this evolution?
HW: Finish Assignments and Makeup Work Review the past assignments you have been given, and make sure you have finished them! For example, check out some of the assignments that Mr. Wright printed off for you!