Miscellaneous Announcements (MGT 360: Spring, 2017) Wayne Smith, Ph.D. wayne.smith@csun.edu Department of Management
CSUN “MACSUN” Club “MACSUN” (Management Association at CSUN) is a student-run club/organization for those interested in a variety of careers, especially ones with deep management skills Been around for while…strong ties and links to the professional community and MACSUN alumni Informal meetings and mixers Technical presentations Leadership opportunities Professional development More info? Facebook (et. al): https://www.facebook.com/macsunmatadors/ First meeting is “meet and greet” is Wed. Feb 1 from 4-6 in JH2103
CSUN “Matador HR” Club “Matador HR” is a student-run club/organization for those interested in a career as an HR professional Strong ties and links to PIHRA (the main professional organization) Technical meetings Informal mixers Professional development (e.g., prep for the SHRM certification) More info? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csunhrclub/ Officers: Esmeralda Venegas (esmeralda.venegas.536@my.csun.edu) and Taylor Caldwell (taylor.caldwell.361@my.csun.edu )
CSUN DNCOBAE “Industry Night” “Industry Night” (like a Career-fair, but better) ACCT/IS students can go too, but they also go to “Meet the Firms” Thu. Mar 2nd, 2017 in University Student Union (Northridge Center) Dress to impress event Connect with the DNCOBAE Career office early for workshops, resume book, business cards, internships, etc. More info? Craig Oka (DNCOBAE Professional Development Center Program Director) Office: JH2234, Phone: 818-677-4697, Email: craig.oka@csun.edu http://www.csun.edu/cobaessc/career-education-professional-development
CSUN DNCOBAE MBA Open House Sat. Feb 11th, 2017 9:45am to 1:30pm in Juniper Hall Some munchies Some good information (regardless of intent or destination) MBA, MST, MSA Advance registration requested Event info http://www.csun.edu/busgrad/events/mba-and-graduate-programs-business-open-house General info http://www.csun.edu/busgrad
Nazarian College Case Competition “Case Competition” is open to all Nazarian students Student-teams self-selected (min. of 2, max of 4) $4,000 first prize, $2,500 second, $1,500 third Faculty are mentors All final round judges are local business executives Key dates: “Intent to Complete” form: Thu. Feb 6th, 2017 … Final Round Competition: Wed. Mar. 28th, 2017 More info? http://www.csun.edu/cobaessc/business-honors-program
CSUN “Bullring” “Bullring” Competition for budding entrepreneurs/new ventures $20,000 first prize, $10,00 second, $5,000 third Top team gets in-kind legal startup support all 20 finalist teams each receive a cash award ($250) Key dates: Kickoff/Info: Thu. Feb 14, 2017 4:30-6:30 JH4117 Final round is on Tue. May 2nd, 2017 RSVP on www.csunbullring.com More info? Ryan Holbrook (Entrepreneurship Program Director) Office: JH4209, Phone: 818-677-4510, Email: ryan.holbrook@csun.edu
DNCOBAE “Portfolio Class” DNCOBAE students manage three investment funds for the University DNCOBAE students make recommendations on how to invest money The source of the money are the on-campus vending machines, Arbor Grill, etc. ~$2MM Blue-chip/conservative (mostly mutual funds and real estate) ~$1MM Development/growth (mostly ETF and related vehicles) ~$0.25 MM Social Responsibility/Sustainability/Eco-friendly initiatives Open to all DNCOBAE students Diversity leads to strength—investments are no different (we want all majors) Need a 3.5 GPA and a passing grade in FIN 303 (aim for an A or B, please) Application Details: FIN 437BH http://www.csun.edu/finance/honors You can also inquire in the Finance office—JH3125