Complete and Detailed Sentences Super Sentences Complete and Detailed Sentences
What is a sentence? What the dictionary says: “A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.”
A sentence is a group of words that… … tells a complete thought … tells who or what the sentence is about … tells what happened … begins with a capital letter … ends with punctuation ( . ! ? )
Types of Sentences Standard Sentence Detailed Standard Sentence
My friend Larry likes to put pickles on his pepperoni pizza. Standard Sentence My friend Larry likes to put pickles on his pepperoni pizza.
Helpful Hint Remember the Rules of a Sentence It must start with a capital letter. It must end with appropriate end punctuation. It must tell who or what the sentence is about. It must tell what happened. It must be a complete thought that makes sense.
Now write your own Standard Sentence on your worksheet!
Standard Sentence Whenever my little sister, Cindy, watches Sesame Street, she always sucks on her big toe.
Red-Hot Reminder Standard sentences don’t have to be simple or short. Always double-check to make sure you’ve followed the rules of a sentence. Avoid boring words and words that get used too much.
Now write your own Standard Sentence on your worksheet!
Detailed Standard Sentence Yesterday my little brother spent his entire allowance on pink and green polka-dotted pajamas at Macy’s.
Nifty Notes Add Detail by Including Some of “The Five W’s” Who What Where When Why How many can you find in the sample sentence? Circle them!
Now write your own Detailed Standard Sentence on your worksheet!
Detailed Standard Sentence When we go out for a fancy dinner in the city, we always search frantically for a top-notch steak house because my Uncle Charlie loves a juicy T-bone.
Reliable Rule of Thumb Add detail by being specific! Increase interest by using an occasional descriptive word! STEAK becomes T-BONE UNCLE becomes UNCLE CHARLIE “juicy” T-bone Search “frantically”
Now write your own Detailed Standard Sentence on your worksheet!