CHOICES FOR NINE THE TRANSITION FROM GRADE 8 TO 9 Guidance Program & Services Department Success for all Learners Toronto District School Board
To inform students how to make a smooth and successful transition from grade 8 to 9 To assist parents and students in making informed choices for grade 9 To raise student and parent awareness of the various program pathways available throughout the TDSB Our Goals This Evening Are: Check out Education Planning at
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Educational Planning
Online educational & career planning tool for students and parents
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Part A: Promotion, Transfer, and Retention Procedures Part B: Messages for Success Part C: Ontario Secondary Schools Part D: Specific School Information Specialized Programs Format of Presentation
Promotion, Transfer & Retention Part A
Promotion, Transfer & Retention Criteria A student is promoted when: 1.The student has successfully completed the curriculum expectations in each of the following grade 8 subjects at a Level 1 or higher: English French History * Geography Mathematics Science & Technology AND 2. The student has achieved an average equivalent to Level 1, or higher, across all grade 8 subjects. Special Education Students A student who is exceptional and whose IEP is based on current grade Level expectations and for whom the integrity of the curriculum has been maintained is promoted English Language Learners (ELL) An EL Learner who requires modification to align grade-level curriculum expectations with the students current level of English language proficiency is promoted A student is transferred when: The student has not met the criteria as outlined for Promotion
Messages for Success Part B
Where do students go after secondary school?
The Importance of Credit Accumulation
Ontario Secondary Schools Part C
Once a course is passed, a credit is granted To pass a course one must achieve a level of 50% or higher Students are expected to take 8 courses a year To graduate from high school a student must earn 30 credits Credit System
Total of 30 course credits (110 hours per credit) – 18 compulsory courses – 12 elective courses (options) 40 hrs. Community Involvement – Begins in summer after Grade 8 * Ontario Literacy Requirement Written Test in Grade 10 (OSSLT) Ontario Secondary School Diploma (O.S.S.D.)
Applied Academic Locally Developed Compulsory Credit (LDCC) Open Course Types in Grade 9 and 10:
Making Your Choices: Choosing Success!
Learning expectations are the same for all students Designed to prepare students for further study and to enrich general education in a subject Can be counted as compulsory or elective credits Grade 9 Open Courses Include: Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Dance) Business Guidance (Learning Strategies) Exploring Technologies Physical Education What is an Open Course?
Academic Courses Cover the core content and have an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the content Applied Courses Cover the core content and have an emphasis on practical applications Academic & Applied
For students with gaps in knowledge and skills in the specific discipline Ideal for students who need support with the curriculum content in grade 9 Students who require two or more Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Courses or who require significant modification to their program will be assisted in investigating programs/schools that provide a full array of supports and services to meet their unique needs Locally Developed Compulsory Credit
Academic Works independently in a focused manner Synthesis skills – uses prior knowledge and experience to assist with solving problems Completes homework consistently and thoroughly Applied Works in a focused manner (not always independently) Applies new learning to tasks (may need reminding of previous knowledge) May need assistance to organize and complete homework Locally Developed Works in a focused manner with prompting Applies new learning to tasks that have been directly modeled in the lesson May begin homework in class with direction and take home to complete Work Habits Sample
Making Your Choice Grade 9 Science AcademicApplied formulate scientific questions related to reproduction gather, record, and analyze qualitative and quantitative data using an appropriate format plan ways to model and/or simulate an answer to questions asked about the motion of celestial objects identify a current problem or concern relating to reproduction organize and record information gathered formulate scientific questions about a problem or issue in space exploration
Making Your Choice Grade 9 English AcademicApplied analyze information, ideas, and elements to make inferences locate and evaluate information and ideas from sources select narrative style and appropriate level of language to suit the form, audience and purpose of the work describe information, ideas, opinions and themes locate and record information and ideas from sources identify the specific audience for each piece of writing
Prepare students for success in English and other courses ESL/ELD credits count as compulsory English credits (to a maximum of 3 credits) Students will be placed in Level A, B, C, D or E Can move to Academic/Applied/LDCC courses when appropriate English Language Learners ESL/ELD
Grades 9 and 10 Academic Applied Locally Developed Open Making Your Choice Grades 11 and 12 College University Workplace
Changing Course Type After Grade 9: Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 10 LDCC (except Mathematics)
Changing Course Type After Grade 9: Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 10 LDCC Gr. 9 Applied to Gr. 10 Academic Mathematics (Transfer Course worth 0.5 credit) T
Semestered Schools Students take 8 courses in 2 blocks of time: 4 courses from September to January 4 courses from February to June All 4 courses taken daily
Non-Semestered Schools 8 courses taken throughout the school year Courses taken every other day
Part D Optional Attendance Choices for Nine Timelines
Choices: Planning Guides Choices for Nine delivered each fall and Choices: Secondary Schools Course Selection & Planning Guide Arrives each January with Course Selection Sheets
The Year Ahead Your Grade 8 Year at a Glance!
Information Nights At Secondary Schools Program and school specific information is shared Information evening dates are listed in the Choices for Nine brochure and on the TDSB Website
Dates and Times on Website
Home School Website: Click on Find your School and enter your home address
Find Your School
Optional Attendance Students are encouraged to attend the secondary school that serves their residential address Must use an Optional Attendance Application Form when applying to a school other than their home school Forms available at Grade 8 school Specific information regarding Optional Attendance Procedures will follow in early January
Important Dates List of Closed and Limited schools made available Optional Attendance applications available from elementary schools Distribution of Course Selection Sheets
Specific Dates February February 1, Optional Attendance applications due to secondary schools – delivered by student/parent/guardian February 14, Secondary schools will inform Optional Attendance applicants by this date Mid to late February 2013 – Course Selection sheets completed and returned to elementary teacher/counsellor March 1, All Course Selection sheets are due to secondary schools – delivered by Elementary Counsellor ** Only ONE course selection sheet per student is submitted for ONE secondary school by the elementary school counsellor
Information Nights at Specialized Schools If you want to investigate specialized schools or programs, be certain to attend their evening as they may distribute applications with due dates Other requirements may include auditions, tests, interviews, etc. Check DEADLINE DATES for applications as they as they vary
Where are these specialized schools/programs? Check Choices for Nine legend select Guidance Programs and Services then Educational Planning then Choices for Secondary School
What are the Specialized Programs?
Any questions???