3D HOUSE DINING ROOM Your Name DDP Date DIRECTIONS: New Powerpoint Presentation Filename WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS: LASTNAME-DININGROOM Cover Slide: Information shown above Design Tab - pick a background (doesn't have to be the same as the Kitchen Background) The following Titles for each slide Dining Room Table Dining Room Chair China Cabinet OR Hutch
DINING ROOM TABLE Internet Sample Internet Dimensions
DINING ROOM TABLE Your Drawing Two views
DINING ROOM TABLE SET UNITS TO IPS These legs have more Legs too plain detail = HIGER GRADE Legs too plain Not enough detail = VERY LOW GRADE Other acceptable leg styles: Trestle style Find an image from the internet first Must NOT be too plain/simple Your design must resemble it in some way You MUST also find measurements! (Minus 2 points out of 10 if the scale is wrong) Pedestal style
DINING ROOM CHAIR Not enough detail = LOW GRADE Chairs with more details = HIGHER GRADE Other ideas:
CHINA CABINET or HUTCH Must have some doors – leave doors open Glass display area for dishes, etc. Dishes, etc. = increased grade over 80 points
DINING ROOM EXTRAS Show extras on their own slides to earn a grade above 80