Interactive student notebook Super fun!
What is an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)? Your own personalized diary of learning about the class A portfolio of your work A make-it-yourself study guide A place for you to set goals and monitor your growth An organizational tool that lets your be playful and creative in your responses without “messing up” your notes
materials a notebook A glue stick AT LEAST 3 different colored pens/colored pencils AT LEAST 3 different highlighters Scissors Keep these on you at all times!
Set up Put all numbers in the upper right corner of the notebook Choose a color. Number the first 5 pages as follows: I, II, III, IV, V Label this section (I-V) as Table of Contents Choose a new color. Number pages 6-10 as follows: VI, VII, VIII, IX, X Label this section (VI-X) as Important Terms Leave the last 2 pages blank Choose a new color. For the rest of the notebook, number the pages (don’t number the last 2 pages!)
Entries Always use as much color as possible – using colors in notes help you retain information Write the date of the entry on the upper left corner Remember, the LEFT is for Student Output (your reflections, thoughts, summaries, visual aids, etc) and the RIGHT is for Teacher Input (notes from lessons) On every RIGHT side, count 5 lines up from the bottom and then draw a line (with highlighter or colored pens) across the 5th line This is where you will write any terms/vocab that come up in discussion that you think are important or that you haven’t heard before
How to use your ISN The LEFT side is for Student Output Drawings Summaries Reflections The RIGHT side is for Teacher Input Close Reads Fishbowl discussions Foldables Notes from lessons
RULES For every entry, put the date of the entry on the upper left corner Only use this notebook for this class Don’t tear or fold pages Don’t write or doodle anything that isn’t related to the lesson/class Don’t tear out any pages
Ms. Burk, will this be graded? Yes. Primarily used as a place to learn organization, practice creativity, and improve the understanding of new material, the ISN will also be checked every quarter for points. Additionally, you will need your notebook to refer to for various other graded assignments
Grading scale Students will be graded on the following: - Neatness (this shows how seriously you take your ISN and the amount of effort you put into it) - Content (having all current entries on both the left and the right shows that you are effectively utilizing your ISN) - Organization (following the directions of this PowerPoint and the set up instructions shows how well you pay attention)