Northern Cape - Progress report on the bucket eradication to the Portfolio Committee 10 October 2007
Bucket eradication in formal settlements 448 1506 3771 1121 Bucket eradication in formal settlements Buckets = 6,846 Funds received = R 65,2M
Bucket eradication
Out of 19 Municipalities only 1 Reported that Bucket 2007 Target will not reached Municipality Challenges Comments Kareeberg Only high level of service accepted by the community Unit costs extremely high No access to counter funding Will not be completed by the December deadline Full waterborne system comprising: Sewer reticulation Outfall line, rising main and pump station Toilet structures and house connections for 745 houses Funding shortfall - R 35M awaiting approval from National Treasury Construction period for entire project = 6 months commencing last week in September
Technical assistance to LM Hands on support to LM by Siyenza Manje deployees from DBSA, deployees from DPLG and DWAF is currently provided where special interventions are required to meet the December 2007 targets
Monitoring and evaluation The DHLG and DWAF in the Province has worked in partnership to monitor progress on implementation of the bucket eradication programme Weekly reports is prepared and presented to MEC of DHLG Barometer is being prepared to track progress
Thank You