Level 3 Award in Pre / Post Natal Exercise Programming Design
Aims of the session By the end of the session the learner should have an understanding of The effects of contra-indications to exercise for the pre / post natal client
Learning Outcomes By then end of the session the learner should be able to List 2 absolute and 2 relative contra-indication to physical activity List 3 warning signs relating to exercise
Contra-indications to exercise Health and fitness professionals should carry out a careful screening of every expectant mother wishing to exercise during pregnancy, The GP or Mid-wife will regularly monitor the pregnant woman’s blood pressure, You as there trainer should do the same!
Contra-indications to exercise There are 4 main contra-indications that need evaluating prior to beginning or resuming exercise during pregnancy; Significant physical injury, An acute bout of illness or chronic underlying disease, The onset of persistent or recurrent localised pain, Abnormal or heavy vaginal bleeding.
Contra-indications to exercise The (ACOG) American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists has published a list of exercise contra-indications for pregnant woman, Absolute – we don’t undertake any exercise with the client, Relative – we can undertake exercise but with an increased level of care and concern should be adopted, with closer supervision
Contra-indications to exercise ABSOLUTE CONTRA-INDICATIONS Haemodynamically significant heart disease Restrictive Lung Disease Incompetent Cervix / Cerclage Multiple Gestation at risk for premature labour Persistent second or third trimester bleeding Placenta praevia after 26 weeks gestation Premature labour during the current pregnancy Ruptured membranes Pregnancy-induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia) Unit 1, Q5a
Contra-indications to exercise RELATIVE CONTRA-INDICATIONS Severe Anaemia Unevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia # Chronic Bronchitis Poorly controlled type 1 Diabetes Extreme morbid obesity Extreme underweight (BMI <12) # History of extremely sedentary lifestyle Intrauterine growth restriction in current pregnancy Poorly controlled hypertension (pre-eclampsia) Orthopaedic limitations Poorly controlled seizures Poorly controlled thyroid disease # Heavy smoker Unit 1, Q5b
Contra-indications to exercise The (ACOG) American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists also identifies a number of warning signs to stop exercising; Vaginal bleeding, Breathlessness before exertion begins, Dizziness, Headaches, Chest pain, Muscle weakness, Calf pain or swelling (need to rule out thrombophlebitis), Pre-term labour, Noticeable decrease in foetal movement, Amniotic fluid leakage. Unit 1, Q8, (P20 man)
Contra-indications to exercise We can also identify some key signs of over-training; In the Mother In the Baby Fatigue Little or no movement after exercise session Pain A reduced growth rate over time Loss of motivation Susceptibility to injury and common infections Now complete Unit 1, Q7, explain when you would refer a pre-natal client
Quick Quiz
Quick Quiz
Presentation Your task is to research the following, and put this in a powerpoint presentation, which needs to be submitted to myself. Absolute Relative Haemodynamically significant heart disease Unevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia Incompetent Cervix / Cerclage Extreme underweight (BMI <12) Placenta praevia after 26 weeks gestation Poorly controlled thyroid disease Pregnancy-induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia)
Homework Research question 9 from your LAP, about stretch marks and weight gain, Then how would you reassure/give advise relating to these issues
Learning Outcomes Can you now state List 2 absolute and 2 relative contra-indication to physical activity List 3 warning signs relating to exercise