Desert Animal Name Your name Write a title that includes your animal’s name. Include your name as the author. Add a picture of your animal from the internet. Color the background.
Physical Description Size Weight Outer Covering Give a physical description of your animal including outer covering, color, size, weight, and any outstanding characteristics. Insert a picture from the internet showing the animal. Add background color.
Habitat/Range Range over continent/state Preferred habitat Tell the range of your animal. Is it located on the whole continent, the state, or only in the Sonoran Desert? What type of habitat does it prefer? Try to find a map showing the range. Otherwise, find a habitat picture. Color the background.
Eating habits What it eats Time of day Explain what your animal eats and give any habits related to eating (hunts in packs, eats at night, etc.) Select several pictures from the internet that shows what the animal eats. Color the background.
Enemies/Protection Name enemies Defenses Tell what the main enemies of your animal are. How does your animal protect itself? Use the internet to find pictures of the enemies. Color the background.
Interesting Facts Unique information Entertaining information What makes your animal unique? Tell some interesting facts that you learned about your animal. Add a picture showing an interesting fact.