Excellence starts with a Pleasant Learning Environment Classroom Expectations Mrs. Bumpas
Be on Time Please be in assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. If tardy: once you have a pass. please knock quietly to enter the room. If tardy of lab days, sit down quietly in your seat and complete the alternative assignment.
Bring appropriate resources to class EVERYDAY Items may include… - Pencil or pen - Paper - Calculator - Textbook
Completing Assignments Turn in assignments in a timely manner Make-up work excepted for excused absences. If, you are absent it is your RESPONSIBILTY to ask for make-up work. Allowing someone to copy your assignments deprives them of a learning opportunity. In the end your assistance is a disservice to the student you think your helping. Thus, copied work will receive a ZERO.
Respect the Right of Others to Learn Students learn best in positive, receptive learning environment. When it is your turn to speak, use your inside voice and listen when it is time to hear.
Turn off all Electronic Devices School policy enforced All books and book bags should be stored under or beside your desk.
Computer Based Assignments Use only approved websites to complete assignments. District policy will be followed to enforce inappropriate use of websites and/or equipment.
Ask appropriate and Purposeful Questions Learning is interesting when information is clarified and expanded upon, so all can apply it in lessons and life. Appropriate questions are encouraged; therefore, please raise your hands to ask.