Adulthood: A Time of Change and “Sameness” Chapter 5 Sec 1
Physical Changes 18-30 yrs old=peak of physical fitness. Middle ages: physical changes: Health problems Menopause Marriage and Divorce Sexual Behavior may change (really mostly psychological)
Cognitive Stages Speed and reaction time declines after the 20s, but intelligence DOES NOT. Actually improves with age if the individual lives a stimulating life.
Social and Personality Changes Adults must also cope with stress, so they don’t stop developing. A.) Male Development: Daniel Levinson Important periods at 30, 40, 50, 60. 1. Entering the Adult World (22-28) Still “growing up”, between exploring and “settling down”. 2. The Age Thirty Crisis (28-30) Major transition- start to question past choices and dwell on future.
Male development continued… 3. Settling Down (36-40) Has made choices (career, family). “Making it” in the adult world, “becomes his own man”. 4. The Midlife Transition (40-45) Will question what he has done. Can lead to generativity (wants to pass his wisdom on to new generation) or stagnation (holds on to his youth, refuses to grow up).
Male development continued… 5. Middle development (Late 40s) If he can satisfactorily solve his life’s problems, he will have a sense of balance. Or he can have a mid-life crisis- feels bitter about his life and his future.
Female Social Development Not as prone to the midlife crisis- why? But they too are susceptible to a crisis: A.) “Empty Nest” Syndrome- can be happy or sad. Status of marriage is a deciding factor. B.) Depression in midlife- can come from a sense of loss. May feel “worthless”. Women need to have a way to focus attention on themselves.