Hello College, University and Life…. So long Heart Lake… Hello College, University and Life….
Guidance Counsellors A-Gi Mrs. Lepp Gl-Ng Mr. Finlay Ni-Z Ms. Spittles
All the credits and grades you’ve earned to date. This outlines compulsory and optional credits you’ve earned and what you can earn by this June. Check all the compulsory credits you need, make sure if you are missing any to see your counsellor A.S.A.P. Additional information needed to graduate: Have you passed the literacy test? Have you completed any community hours (40 needed for graduation)? Your current courses for this year.
Apprenticeship Options Pre-apprenticeship Program at College - Build skill base and knowledge of trade - Connect to potential employers Direct entry via employer Co-Op
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Joint college-university programs Shorter program lengths Why College? Variety of programs Joint college-university programs Shorter program lengths Lower tuition costs Smaller Classes
Admission Requirements ENG4C or 4U + Program Specific Courses (Grade 11 or 12, U/C/M)
Application Procedure October 2017 – February 2018 www.ontariocolleges.ca Choose 5 programs (max. 3 per college) Pay $95 Wait for Offers of Admission from the colleges (Feb – May)
And may look at your Grade 11 Marks What marks? Offers of admission are based on: Semester One FINAL & Semester Two MID-TERM And may look at your Grade 11 Marks
For equal consideration Deadline February 1st 2018 For equal consideration
Programs Undergraduate Degree (BA, BSc, BCom, BEng) General Degree is 3 years Honours Degree is 4 years Degrees are also available at many colleges
Admission Requirements ENG 4U + 5 Gr12 U/M Courses Program Specific averages Averages are calculated using your top 6 grade 12U/M courses including English and any program pre-requisites
Find Programs Here! www.electronicinfo.ca
Application Procedure November 2017 – January 2018 Pick up your PIN number in Counselling (when you hear the announcement) 2. www.ouac.on.ca 3. Choose 3 programs (maximum 3 choices/university) Pay $150 (additional programs + $50 each) Wait for Offers of Admission from the universities (Feb – May) Changes incur a cost of $50 each (unless it is a change within the same university and you must drop a program prior to adding a program)
Offers of admission are based on: What marks? Offers of admission are based on: Semester One FINAL & Semester Two MID-TERM
Look Here
OUAC Deadline January 17th 2018
www.osap.gov.on.ca Financial Aid Ontario Student Assistance Program Application opens in May Student Loans from Banks Contact your local branch
Scholarships & Bursaries Scholarships and Bursaries Check your post-secondary institution for more information Various Criteria (academic, extra-curricular, financial need) Please visit the Heart Lake Website for information
Heart Lake S.S. Post-Secondary Fair Thursday October 19, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Open to all Grade 11 and 12 students, parents and guardians Over 35 different post-secondary schools represented! Apprenticeships, Colleges and Universities
Key Dates University Applications DUE January 17th 2018 College Applications DUE February 1st 2018