SSR: 9/15/2015 Grab a book or something to read To Do: Take out your notebook & copy the following term and definition down Geography: the study of people, culture, places, nations, animals and plant life, movement of people…geography is how we interact with and organize our world. Learning Target: I will… Understand what geography is Learn about the 5 themes of geography
5 Themes of Geography – MR.HELP M = Movement R = Region H E = Human Environment Interaction L = Location P = Place
Movement How are people and places linked by communication and the flow of people, ideas, and goods? How do people, goods, and ideas move from place to place? Transportation, communication, trade, patterns of movement.
Region Areas that share at least one common feature. Eg) Climate, culture, government. What are the unifying features and how do they form and change over times?
Human- Environment Interaction Focuses on the relationship between people and the environment. Humans often make changes to the environment, and the environment often affects how humans live. How do people interact with and change their environment?
Location Answers the question “where is it?” The answer might be absolute location, such as 162nd River Lane. Or it could be a relative location, such as six miles west of Mill city. You are here
Place Identifies natural and human features that make a place different from other places. Landforms, climate, plants, animals, people, culture and language are features that can be used to identify a place. What is it like? All places have features that distinguish them from other places.
Let’s Practice! What theme or themes do you think the following images demonstrate?