Japan is Australia’s largest export market. Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japan is Australia’s largest export market. (Unit: billion dollars) <Source: ABS (2007-08)> ①
Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia is a Key and stable supplier of important commodities and goods for Japan. Japanese imports of major commodities by country ②
Australia is Japan’s largest supplier of energy. Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia is Japan’s largest supplier of energy. (Unit: million tons) <Source: Trade Statistics of MOF (2007)> ③
Australia’s trade surplus with Japan is larger than any other country. Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia’s trade surplus with Japan is larger than any other country. ($100million) <Source: DFAT (2007-08)> ④
Japanese are major investors to Australia. Australia-Japan Relations (Economy) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japanese are major investors to Australia. (Unit: million dollars) <Source: ABS (2008)> ⑤
Australia hosts the fourth largest number of Japanese residents. Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia hosts the fourth largest number of Japanese residents. (number of People) <Source: MOFA (2007)> ⑥
Japanese rank third in visitor arrivals in Australia. Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Japanese rank third in visitor arrivals in Australia. (Unit: thousands people) <Source: ABS Overseas Arrival and Departures, Australia (2008)> ⑦
Australia ranks third in number of people learning Japanese. Australia-Japan Relations (People-to-People Links) EMBASSY of JAPAN in AUSTRALIA Australia ranks third in number of people learning Japanese. 1 in 52 people 1 in 1,900 people 1 in 55 people 1 in 2,500 people <Source: Japan Foundation “Survey of Overseas Organization Involved in Japanese-Language Education (2006)”> ⑧