Big Data and Cloud Computing Expert Panel Assessing Cloud-Native Architectures for EOSDIS Applications Dan Pilone - The material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract Number NNG15HZ39C
Earth Science Instruments on ISS: Formulation Implementation Primary Ops Extended Ops Landsat 9 PACE NI-SAR SWOT TEMPO JPSS-2 (NOAA) RBI, OMPS-Limb Sentinel-6A/B GRACE-FO (2) ICESat-2 Earth Science Instruments on ISS: RapidScat, CATS, LIS, SAGE III (on ISS), TSIS-1, OCO-3, ECOSTRESS, GEDI, CLARREO-PF CYGNSS ISS SORCE, TCTE (NOAA) NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA’S DSCOVR) QuikSCAT EO-1 Landsat 7 (USGS) SMAP Terra Fleet - Earth Science Division - Missions (with color key; editable) Dec. 15, 2015 Credit: NASA/J. Mottar ------------------------------ SLIDE INFO UDATE EJD PER FREILICH DECISIONS FEB 4, 2016 Changed “Altimetry FO (Formulation in FY16) to “Sentinal-6A/B” On Landsat 9, removed comma and TIRFF Change I was going to make – “NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA’s DSCOVR) to green primary ops was already corrected Dec. 15, 2015 – Updated: TEMPO changed to Implementation phase; NISTAR, EPIC changed to Primary Ops phase; ; OCO-3 and ECOSTRESS changed to Implementation phase; Aquarius removed; slide now fully editable. JMottar May 18, 2015 – Added to SMD Multimedia Library. May 18, 2015 – Updated the outdated 2014 version: TRMM was removed; NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA's DSCOVR) were added; SMAP icon was updated; moon at top left was removed; color key moved to top left.-JMottar ID: I-EA-15-0040 (image) ID: SL-EA-15-0068 (slide) Suomi NPP (NOAA) Aqua CloudSat Landsat 8 (USGS) CALIPSO GPM Aura GRACE (2) OSTM/Jason 2 (NOAA) OCO-2
Major Components of the Earth Science Data Systems Program Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Core systems for processing, ingesting and archiving data for the Earth Science Division Competitively Selected Programs Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) 27 projects selected in 2012 Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science (ACCESS) 12 projects selected in 2013 International and Interagency Coordination and Development CEOS WGISS OSTP Climate Data Initiative NASA-ESA Bilateral GEO/USGEO Tjf 2/11/16: OSTM = Ocean Surface Topography Mission NPP = National Polar-orbiting Partnership ISS = International Space Station SMAP = Soil Moisture Active Passive SAC-D =OCO-2 = Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 1/3/2019
12 Discipline Oriented DAACs To do this, we distribute that data over 12 discipline oriented DAACs. Cyrosphere, Land processes, snow and ice, socio-economic, etc. This sets the stage for our problem…
15+ years of Earth Science Data Deletion of MODIS Collection 4 Products Landsat-7 Data Migrated from LPDAAC to USGS Addition of AQUARIUS and ICEBRIDGE products ALOS PALSAR & UAVSAR products ICESat MEASURES 2006 MEASURES 2012 TERRA AQUA AURA Addition of SNPP CERES&OMPS Total EOSDIS Accumulated Data Archive Volume (Petabytes) A petabyte is a lot of data: 1 PB is 20 million four-drawer filing cabinets full of text 1 PB is 13.3 years of HD-TV video 1.5 PB is the size of 10 billion photos on Facebook
EOSDIS Archive Growth Estimate (Prime + Extended) Lots of assumptions in this chart. Subject to change...
EOSDIS Vision 2020 (cloud relevant) Data Analysis at Scale Data and Processing Mobility Dataset Upgrading Virtual Collections Combining Data, Combining Tools
Evolution Review E&E Recommendation: The ESDIS Project should develop, implement and report on the outcome of prototypes to explore the advantages, risks, and costs of using commercial cloud environments for: Storage and data transfer […] Processing […] Improved data access […]
Existing prototyping efforts were restructured to investigate and test commercial cloud environments for essential EOSDIS and DAAC operations.
What does these consider?
Infrastructure, Scaling, Monitoring, Security, …
Development Model, Compliant Deployment, Operations, …
Application Architecture…
Systems Architecture
Outstanding Questions Can operational NASA science data systems function effectively in a commercial cloud? Do commercial clouds offer increased efficiency within a NASA environment and/or provide additional functionality? How do costs compare to opportunities and risks? How can NASA efficiently partner with commercial cloud providers to improve services and usage of data and services?
Looking forward Need broader knowledge of cloud architectures and patterns (e.g. NGAP, serverless, 12 factor applications, etc.) Rapid pace of change Potentially dramatic change in data usage patterns What about Cloud Native data formats? What about Cloud Native services?
Dan Pilone // Thank you! Dan Pilone //
This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract Number NNG15HZ39C.