Tools to Address Adherence Issues in Patients With SIHD
Tools to Address Adherence Issues in Patients With SIHD: Overview
CVD The Magnitude of the Problema,b
Case Study Presentation
Population Health Creating a Culture of Wellness
SIHD Guideline Recommendations Section 4
Medication-Related Hospital Readmissionsa-c
Barriers to Medication Adherence
Case Study 2 Months Postdischarge Follow-up
Duke Activity Status Index (DASI)a,b Measure of METs
Strategies to Improve Medication Adherence in SIHD
Strategies to Improve Medication Adherence in SIHD (cont)
Improving Medication Adherence in SIHD
Oral Communication
Teach-Back Method
Case Study 6-Month Follow-Up
Patient as a Partner for Improved Outcomes in CVD
Abbreviations (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)