CHOOSING SIDES: A BIPOLAR WORLD Teams tagged players who then become part of their teams. Untagged players
THE SOVIET UNION Soviet communism was a system of government in which the central government held all power. The government took over all economic planning, and people were forced to work for government-run farms and factories. To protect the power of the leader, the Soviet Union became a police state. The losing team with the fewest players represented the soviet union.
CONTAINING COMMUNISM The goal of the United States’ policy of containment was to prevent communism from spreading beyond countries in which it already existed… Teams tried to tag more players so they could win. The winning team with the most players represented the United States.
FORMING TEAMS: Cold War Alliances The Berlin Blockade The North Atlantic Treat Organization was a military pact between ten western European countries, Canada, and the United States. The United States led the alliance. The Warsaw Pact was a military pact between the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and East Germany. The Soviet Union led the alliance. The winning team leader and the first two students that the leader picked to represent NATO. The losing team leader and the first two students that the leader picked represented the Warsaw Pact.
THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE The United States dropped atomic bombs in Japan. The arms race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop the greatest number of destructive weapons. The game was over if team leaders touched.
THE COLD WAR HEATS UP THE KOREAN WAR The United States and 14 other nations sent troops to aid the South Koreans.
COMMUNISM COMES TO CUBA The United States had invested heavily in Cuba, and Castro seized American-owned farms and businesses.
THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS The United States demanded that the Soviet Union remove missile bases from Cuba and blockaded the island to prevent any future missiles from arriving.
CONTAINMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA The United States wanted to contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. The United States suffered a huge loss of life. In addition, the war resulted in a loss of faith in the nation’s leaders.
THE END OF THE COLD WAR The Soviet Union collapsed because the economy could not work well and was not meeting the needs of the people. The Free World won the Cold War for several reasons. The economy of the Soviet Union was weak, and Soviet leaders realized they needed to reduce their military expenditures. Nations in alliances with the Soviet Union overthrew their communist governments, and the Soviet Union did not interfere. At the end of the game, players from the losing team had a chance to join the winning team.