CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 14th meeting – 21/03/13 Agenda item 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF TARGET 2 OF THE EU BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY TO 2020
Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services Target 2 Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services By 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15 % of degraded ecosystems. Action 5: Improve knowledge of ecosystems and their services in the EU Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES), inc. valuation & accounting (study being finalised). MAES stakeholders workshop on 21-22/11/12; launch of 6 thematic pilots Action 6: Set priorities to restore and promote the use of GI Restoration Prioritisation Framework by 2014; GI Strategy to be adopted in first half of 2013 – currently in ISC Action 7: Ensure no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services Biodiversity proofing by 2014 – study completed (online) No net loss initiative by 2015 MESEU study MAES WG TEEB EU study GI/RPF WG RPF study NNL study NNL WG
MAES thematic pilots (March – September 2013) Nature 2 Agriculture 3 Forest 4 Freshwater 5 Marine 6 Natural Capital Accounting EU Lead ENV JRC EEA MS Lead LT BE SE PT FR BG EU members AGRI ESTAT MARE RTD ESTAT RTD MS members EE FI HU AT DE SK UK Stakeholders CEEweb ELO FACE WWF Coastwatch Oceania
MAES Letter to Nature Directors Analytical Framework for ecosystem assessment to be finalised - To take note of the current status of the document and to provide feedback for the consideration of the MAES WG Participation in MAES Thematic Pilots - To take note of the state of progress and to consider increased participation to strengthen the added value and relevance of the process MAES supporting contract workshop, 19-20 March - To take note of this activity Future planning; inc. MAES High-Level event, 22 May 2014 - To take note of the future planning and to provide comments
Restoration Prioritisation Framework Draft Mandate - to endorse the provisional mandate Stakeholders involvement in WG - to take note of position and to provide feedback to the WG Draft Concept - to take note of the direction of the discussions in the WG and to provide feedback to the WG Baseline for restoration target - to take note of position and to provide feedback to the WGs (MAES and RPF) RPF Workshop, Brussels, 29-30 May - to take note of this information
Green Infrastructure Communication on Green Infrastructure Policy background for this initiative; contribution to 2020 agenda Definition of Green Infrastructure – protection and enhancement of nature and natural processes Contribution of Green Infrastructure to a number of key policy areas Promoting the deployment of Green Infrastructure: how action EU wide can add value to local initiatives currently underway EU strategy providing a combination of policy signals and technical/scientific actions Creating an EU enabling framework that will encourage decision makers, planners and promoters to invest in GI projects at local, regional and national level Technical annexes MS and stakeholder involvement in further work - Recommendations of GI WG in 2011 taken up in GI COM - Depending on next steps, reflection on role of WG on GI
No Net Loss WG documents and stakeholders access to NNL Circa site - To take note of the state of progress and to provide feedback on the proposed way forward NNL study consortium members: status within WG - To provide feedback on the proposed way forward Future planning: To take note of the planning and to provide feedback May July 22/05 Joint Workshop with BBOP 03/07 workshop on NNL policy options 23/05 5th NNL WG 04/07 6th NNL WG
Thanks for your attention
Target 2 Planning 2013-2015 MAES GI&RFP NNL Other related meetings MAES GI&RFP NNL Other related meetings 1st quarter 2013 4th MAES WG meeting 10/01 MESEU workshop 19- 20/03 2nd GIR WG meeting 11/01 GI Communication 4th NNL WG meeting 04/02 1st Plenary IPBES 21-26/01 MSFD Coordination group 4-5/02 Standing Forestry Committee Target 3b, 22/02 REG 20/03 CGBN 21/03 2nd quarter 2013 5th MAES meeting 26/04 MAES marine workshop 19/06 3rd GIR WG meeting 19/04 GIR Workshop 29-30/05 Joint International workshop NNL WG/Business and Biodiversity Offset Programme (BBOP), 22/05 5th NNL WG meeting, 23/05 EPBRS Workshop 11-12/04 AlterNet conference 15-18/4 2nd EU/ICES workshop Descriptor 3+ 9-10/4 Habitats Committee 25/04 NDM 2-3/05 EPBRS Conference 15-17/05 WMDM 10-11/06 Marine workshop (GES+socio- economic CIS) 17-18/06 3rd quarter 2013 6th MAES meeting 18/09 4th GIR WG meeting tbd Follow-up of GI tbd NNL policy options Workshop 03/07 6th NNL WG meeting 04/07 tbc (final WG recommendations) Formal consultation process CGBN 19-20/09 (tbc – if not November)
Target 2 Planning 2013-2015 MAES GI&RFP NNL Other related meetings MAES GI&RFP NNL Other related meetings 4th quarter 2013 2nd MAES Workshop (October tbc) Final products MESEU contract Start of Impact Assessment work Habitats Committee 3/10 ORNIS Committee 4/10 CGBN 14-15/11 only if not in September REG 21/11 1st quarter 2014 Meetings of Impact Assessment Steering Group 2nd quarter 2014 MAES Conference, 22/05/14 (tbc) 3rd quarter 2014 4th quarter 2014 Restoration Prioritisation Framework 2015 EU 2020 BD Strategy mid-term report Submission to Impact Assessment Board?