HED Blood Administration Documentation 9/27/12 lm For every blood product administered: Document Consent has been signed or implied in emergent situations. Document Teaching: Learner, any challenges, method, and response Individual sections for each blood product type. Each section contains fields for: documentation of unit #, verification of product based on policy Infusion status Any special equipment use (e.g. blood warmer) Blood Product information available here Transfusion Medicine Policies (r click to open link ) Reference information available in HED under Links under “Blood Administration Information.”
How To Cosign Blood Products On the confirm screen, checkmark the cosign box for the “product verified against policy” field. Click the cosign button at the bottom right side of screen. Second reviewer enters their User Id and password. The standard is cosignature capture in real time. An exception may occur during critical situations that require the cosignature to occur after the fact. If cosignature requires capture after critical situations, the reviewer on their own clinical workstation locates the patient within HED. The reviewer clicks on “done” field documented earlier for “product verified against policy” field. The reviewer selects and the signature