Cyclone PRIDE at Watertown High School A PBIS Production
As part of the PBIS program, WHS has established several clear expectations for the behaviors we require throughout our school. Our plan is based on recognizing five attributes of success: Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, and Encouragement (PRIDE).
You will see these PRIDE posters throughout the building You will see these PRIDE posters throughout the building. For each attribute, there are specific behaviors that will help you to be model citizens at WHS and beyond!
What is a PRIDE Pass? A purple pass handed out to students by faculty and staff when a student is demonstrating the qualities of PRIDE.
What can I do with a PRIDE Pass? You can redeem it one of two ways: Redemption Counter: Every Friday in the large cafeteria (during breakfast), there is a Redemption Counter where you can exchange PRIDE passes for items such as candy and snacks, school supplies, etc… OR Enter your PRIDE passes into a bi-weekly drawing by placing your pass in the lock box located in the main office. Prizes include an Amazon Echo Dot, gift cards, movie passes, and more!
Let’s break down PRIDE, and focus on Professionalism this month
Discussion Point: What does professionalism at Watertown High School look or sound like to you?
Part of demonstrating professionalism is using appropriate greetings.
Greeting Tips 1.) Make eye contact with the other person or people as you or they approach. 2.) Respond when others greet you. Don’t just keep walking or ignore greetings! 3.) Understand the environment and situation. - Formal vs. Informal - Loud vs. Quiet 4.) Listen to the other person’s greeting and respond appropriately. - If they say, “Hi, how are you?” Don’t respond, “Not much!” Other Ideas?
How do we greet people? Work with a partner to come up with 5 ways that you currently greet other people and then discuss as a class where you think the greetings would fit into the chart on the next page. (Example: fist bump)
Professional Setting: Informal Setting (Friends, Family): Both Settings: Neither Setting:
Closing Thoughts Watertown Cyclones: - Greet others politely and appropriately. - Understand the difference between formal and informal greetings. (time & place) - Recognize the importance of professional greetings. - Demonstrate that we take PRIDE in being a class act.