8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip November 2018
Itinerary Medicine Information Luggage/Medicine Check-in What to bring…. Technology Contact Information
Medicines Any and ALL medicines require the SWLSD form. (NO EXCEPTIONS) Prescribed med will require a doctor’s signature on form. Over the counter meds just parent signature Chaperones will hold ALL medicines!!!!! Any violations will be held to school punishment.
Luggage/ Medicine Check-in We will encourage you to have your child check their luggage at drop off. Monday, November 5th Between 5:30 and 7:00 PM At the Activity Center Medium suitcase 1 carry-on bag
What to bring…… Sunscreen Playing Cards, games,….. Baby powder Backpack (carry-on) String backpack provided for touring Books/ magazines for bus ride COMFORTABLE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walking 5-8 miles per day
Food ALL students need a packed lunch for the 1st day. We will be on the bus ALL day, and will not have dinner until 6:30 PM. (***Food Allergies***) All the remaining meals are covered in the trip. Snacks (suggestions) Granola bars, hard candy, trail mix etc. Things that will travel well. NO dairy products!!!!
$pending Money??? We will visit a souvenir shop on Thursday morning, and there are shops in the Smithsonian Museums. We do not permit students to purchase items from street vendors. (fear of bed bugs) Each student will receive: 4 t-shirts Long sleeve t-shirt String backpack Jacket
Technology Yes- digital cameras No - cell phones No - iPods No - iPads, Kindle,……etc. No- iWatches Yes- digital cameras
Contact Parents will receive a card with emergency contact information at luggage check-in. Facebook account: HJS Washington D.C. Trip Remind Students will have access nightly to a chaperone‘s cell phone to call home. Parents can call the hotel, and the hotel will connect you to your child’s room. Chris Johnson- (513) 535-2640
Paperwork Needed E.M.A. Form S.W.L.S.D. Medicine Form (if needed) S.W.L.S.D. Inhaler Form (if needed) DC picture CD
Dates to remember Monday, November 5th (5:30- 7:00 PM) Luggage check-in Activity Center Gym (Enter side doors) Wednesday, November 7th (5:15 AM) Depart Arrive at the Activity Center by 4:45AM Saturday, November 10th (9:45 PM approx.) PLEASE BE ON TIME!!!!