Creating a Merit-based Economy Future Youth Nation Creating a Merit-based Economy Cooperative education key to change Enterprise tools foster change Merit as money substitute Gaming as fundraising Youth consumer educated and politically active
82% = 1% Matter of corporations not cooperatives in power Control of natural and human resources dictate
82% More than $8 of every $10 of wealth created last year went to the richest 1% Source: Oxfam International Report Published January 22, 2018
Human Value 82% > 1%
Cooperative Education Rochdale 7 principles (1844) Voluntary and open membership. ... Democratic member control. ... Member economic participation. ... Autonomy and independence. ... Education, training, and information. ... Cooperation among cooperatives. ... Concern for community. ... Practicing F.A.I.T.H.
Alumni Emblem Adult Youth Uniform designation roles and responsibilities
Cookie Jar Economics (5) Core Principles Always put more money into the bank than you borrow Always capture and store the human value of a member exchange Learn to work without bosses Create a shared economy Allocate profits on a 50% individual, 40% group, 10% enterprise split
$30 Pledge $15 Collateral (50%) $10 Merit Value (33%) $5 Service Loan (17%) First merit based incentive produced 50/40/10 allocation New uniform every year
1 Student 23 Adult Supporters
Network Structure 136,800 Members 1800 members x 76 enterprises 75 Student Mentors 75 x 75 Students (5625) 75 x 75 x 23 Adults (129,375) 1800 members x 76 enterprises
$10 Merit Value $M 5 Individual $M 4 Group Health $M 1 Enterprise
Redemption 60-day Money-back Guarantee
Asset-based Lending 70% Loan-to-Value 70% LTV 30% fractional reserve 20% bank incentive to participate 70% Loan-to-Value
Work Without Bosses Gig economy dynamics Generation Z and Millennial Hooked on technology Make a difference
Planning Key: Innovation Environment Zero to One – Peter Thiel Innovation as enlightenment Lifesmarts- Consumer Educated Voters Key: Innovation Environment
Budget Encapsulate No Risk of Loss Breakeven Assurance Multi-node Network Marketing Computer System Networking marketing model Break-even analysis Distributed compensation model Breakeven Assurance Personal Finance
Determine Member Financial Breakeven Merit Allocation Perform per Rules ? No No Payments Yes Determine Member Financial Breakeven Perform by Rules? Determine Member financial breakeven Profits must be shared inside group to assure minimum of breakeven for every member Provide Payment Yes Need Breakeven Payments? No End Breakeven Routine
Key: Monetize Platform Media Platform Revolution Shared resources- Uber, Airbnb, Apple, Amazon, Paypal Monetizing network Key: Monetize Platform Health & Safety
Key: Management System Distribution Holacracy Tensions Circles like cells Leaders versus bosses Key: Management System Technology
Membership Key: Engagement Consumer Rights Gamification for Dummies Bingo and Rock Paper Scissors Merit based reward system 60 day redemption period Derivative or debt instrument created Key: Engagement Consumer Rights
Purpose Party Future Youth Nation 75 Students
Game Merits $5 Bingo Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sponsorship Merits
Merits Lifespan (Game Over)
Civic Responsibility Pay Taxes Vote