Terms and Cinematic Techniques Man with a Movie Camera Terms and Cinematic Techniques
Avant-garde Avant garde is French for “Advance Guard.” The goal of avant-garde filmmaking (or any other medium) is artistic innovation. Also called “experimental film” or “underground cinema,” it values and explores “the artistic and technological capacities of the medium” and rejects the conventions of storytelling The Russian Avant-garde Futurism: An Italian avant-garde art movement that took speed, technology and modernity as its inspiration, Futurism portrayed the dynamic character of 20th century life, glorified war and the machine age, and favoured the growth of Fascism.
Double exposure https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQivSYrF-JO4yP2LeG0KaDvpVM4D7MnT1CTPACDuu0v-dSPCARe
Jump cut From 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dutch Angle
Tracking Shot From The Shining
Stop motion animation Examples