LFS ad hoc module 2012 Transition from work to retirement
2012 LFS ad hoc module Intensive preparation of the module - dedicated Task Force - in-depth evaluation of the 2006 module - pilot tests Full support of the LAMAS working group DSS opinion Draft regulation to be submitted to November ESSC
2012 LFS ad hoc module The module addresses mainly four questions with a view to the transition to retirement: How do people leave the labour market? Why did they leave the labour market? Why did they not stay longer? How long do those in the active population aged 50 -69 expect to be in the labour market?
2012 LFS ad hoc module 11 variables Detailed explanatory notes
Persons receiving a pension (PENSION=1) See scheme Old-age pensioners: 2 additional variables 3. EARLYRET and 4. AGEPENS No old-age pensioners: 1 additional variable 10. BUILPEN People receiving a PENSION: 5 variables. Two variables only to inactives 5. REASNOT and 6. WORKLONG Another two only to employed 8. STAYWORK and 9. PLANSTOP One to inactives and employed 7. REDUCHRS
Persons not receiving a pension or “no answer or do not know” (PENSION=2 or blank) People not receiving a pension: 3 variables. 7. REDUCHRS to employed 10. BUILDPEN to all 11. CONTWORK to employed and unemployed building up pension rights or having built up pension rights