You be the Qudi Directions: For each case, decide the type of crime committed and an appropriate punishment. Everyone is responsible for sharing their opinions. Each student must participate before you can speak again.
Case 1 A month ago Nabeeh, a local butcher, sold Aisha tainted meat. She had asked if the meat were fresh and he had told her that it had come in that day. In fact, the meat was old and Aisha’s family all contracted food poisoning. Fortunately, no one died but Aisha, her husband, and two children were ill for days and are still feeling weak.
Case 2 Jawad’s daughter Faiza was walking down the street in the city, and Rashad made very rude comments to her. Many people were around and heard, and now some people in the community are speaking badly of Faiza. Angry that Rashad has harmed his daughter’s reputation, Jawad believes Rashad should be punished for these actions.
Case 3 Khalid is a poor beggar who is often hungry. Last week he stole bread and beans from Hussein’s Market. Hussein’s manager caught him and called the authorities, and Khalid was arrested.
Case 4 Two teens, Hasna and Nasira, were shopping together in a department store when Hasna slipped a pair of sandals under her abuyah (draped covering). Nasira and a secruity guard saw Hasna and the guard took her into custody.
Case 5 Hassan, age 23, had been in and out of trouble his whole life. Last month he was charged with stealing a car. While no one saw Hassan take the car, many of his fingerprints were found in the recovered vehicle. Hassan denies stealing the car but since the owner is not acquainted with Hassan, there is no other explanation for his fingerprints being inside.
Case 6 Two men, Nabeeh and Ziyad, were involved in a disagreement that became a fight. During the fray, Nabeeh hit Ziyad several times and Ziyad pushed Nabeeh to the ground, slamming his head on the concrete. Nabeeh was hospitalized and died days later. Nabeeh’s family believe Ziyad is guilty of murder.
Case 7 Basel was invited to dinner with European clients. Wine was served and, not wanting to appear rude or unappreciative, Basel drank along with his hosts. Unaccustomed to alcohol, Basel was quite affected. On his way home from the dinner he was arrested for public drunkenness and for consuming alcohol.
Case 8 Bushra was caring for the young child of Adeela and Fawaz. The 2 year-old would not stop crying, and Adeela wanted to talk on the telephone with her friends. The racket was so disturbing Bushra that she locked the child in his bedroom. The parents arrived home to find Bushra on the phone and their young son screaming hysterically. The parents were outraged and are now demanding that something be done.
Case 9 Hana is the teenage daughter of a wealthy Saudi family. She has always been strong-willed but lately she has become more difficult. She has been seen talking to young men, and is now saying openly that she is not certain that she wants to follow Islam. Her parents have spoken to her about her behavior, but Hana will not listen.
Case 9 cont. She even stood up in front of all of the other girls in her class and spoke angrily to the teacher. Upon being scolded for speaking in a way unfit for a Muslim girl, Hana said, “I am probably not going to follow the Faith, anyway! I want to be free to dress and do as I please!” Her teacher immediately reported her to the local authorities.