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Presentation transcript:

relayed live all across the globe 1/3/2019 Men of Excellence Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba); Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community relayed live all across the globe October 5th 2018

Summary Men of Excellence In today’s sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) continued with some narrations about the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa). Huzoor (aba) stated that he mentioned some narrations about Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) last Friday and will continue with some more. The other Companion who Huzoor (aba) mentioned was Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un (ra).  Huzoor (aba) led two funeral prayers in absentia. October 5th 2018

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood had an exceptional status with regards to his closeness to God Almighty and his relationship with Him. He was a special adviser along with Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra).  According to a narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) used to tell them to hold fast to the way/practise of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood.  The Holy Prophet (sa) had special trust in him and he also had exceptional love for the Holy Prophet (sa).

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) He was a righteous, pious, and worshiping individual.  He was so fond of worshipping and nawafil [voluntary prayers] that, in addition to the obligatory prayers and Tahajjud, he would also observe the prayer at the time of Chasht [period between morning and noon].  Likewise, he used to observe voluntary fasts every Monday and Thursday.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) He was well recognised as a person of excellent morals, a kind teacher, and extremely God-fearing. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood fulfilled the rights of the bond of brotherhood, as established by the Holy Prophet (sa), with his brother in faith, Hazrat Zubair bin Al-Awam, in an excellent manner. Placing his entire trust in him, he bequeathed him to take care of all of his financial matters. By the Grace of God Almighty Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood had become quite affluent that in the last years of his life, his financial worth was ninety-thousand dirham, he wrote in his will that at the time of burial, his shroud should consist of very simple cloths worth two hundred dirham. Hazrat Usman lead his funeral prayers and he was buried in Jannatul Baqee’.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood ra) Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood was once walking towards a gathering which was being held in the company of the Holy Prophet (sa). He was still on the path outside, when he heard the following words of the Holy Prophet (sa), “Sit down!” Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood had not yet reached the gathering. However, he heard this voice of the Holy Prophet (sa) while he was on the path outside and he immediately sat down and dragged himself to the mosque. When a person, criticised him and asked him what kind of foolishness this was. Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ood replied saying, “I heard a commandment of the Holy Prophet (sa), if I were to die before I reached the mosque, I would not wish to die in a state of disobedience to the Holy Prophet (sa). After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’wwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated: Hazrat Asim bin Sabit was a sahabi(companion) of the Holy Prophet (sa). His father was Sabit bin Qais and his mother’s name was Shamoos bint Abu Aamir. The Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Abdullah bin Jahash. At the occasion of Battle of Uhud, when the disbelievers of Mecca launched a sudden attack, which caused a panic among the Muslims, Hazrat Asim remained fixed in his position next to the Holy Prophet (sa). He pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet (sa) upon death. He was among the archers appointed by the Holy Prophet (sa). He belonged to the Aus tribe and participated in the Battle of Badr. This was the extraordinary obedience and spirit of following the Holy Prophet (sa) in every step which he possessed.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) This is why despite the fact that the Companions were completely illiterate; and it was commonly stated that there were only 7 literate people in the whole of Mecca, in spite of this they triumphed over the whole world.  . Hence, as a result of their obedience this is the station they attained and the success they gained. Therefore, we must always remember this particular point. This is the example that every Ahmadi must try to follow.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) On one occasion Hazrat Umar (ra) met a caravan of people. But because of the darkness he was unable to see them. Among that group was Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood. Hazrat Umar (ra) sent someone to ask where the group had come from. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood answered “Fajjul Ameeq”, i.e. from a distant track. He then asked “where are you heading to?’” He answered, “To the Baitul Ateeq (Ancient House)” i.e. to the Ka’bah. Hazrat Umar (ra) asked, “Is there any scholar among them?” and instructed someone to ask them which verse of the Holy Quran is the loftiest. Upon this enquiry, Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood, answered, Allah — there is no God but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep.’ (Al-Baqarah 256). He stated Ayatul Kursi.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood answered, ‘Then whoso does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoso does an atom’s weight of evil will also see it.’ (Al-Zilzal 7-9).  Hazrat Umar (ra) then instructed the man to ask which is the most comprehensive verse of the Holy Quran?  Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood answered, Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred;’ (Al-Nahl 91). Hazrat Umar (ra) then asked, “Which is the most encapsulating verse of the Holy Quran?” In a narration it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet conferred a favour to one of the prisoners of Badr, Abu ‘Uzza ‘Amr bin Abdillah – who was a poet – by setting him free. The reason for this was that he said, “O Muhammad, I have five daughters and I am their only guardian. Hence, please set me free for them as an act of charity.” Subsequently, the Holy Prophet (sa) set him free. Upon this, Abu ‘Uzza said, “I make a solemn pledge to you that I will never fight you in the future, nor will I assist anyone in their wars against you”. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent him back and freed him without receiving anything in return. However, he broke his promise and was tempted back to the war by a war lord. During the fight, he was once again captured. When asked about his oath, he replied, “O Muhammad (sa)! I was compelled to fight as I have daughters to look after. Please be kind towards me.” A favour had previously been conferred upon him and he was set free. However, he came out to fight again. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Absolutely Not! Now it can never be done. By God! You will not be permitted to roam around Mecca saying that you deceived and fooled Muhammad (sa) twice, (God forbid). According to another narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that certainly, a believer cannot be bitten twice from the same hole. He then commanded Asim bin Thabit to kill him. He was only punished for treason and war, after he brokr his promise of peace. These days (Geert) Wilders, a Politician in Holland, is exceeding all bounds in attacking the character of the Holy Prophet (sa). If he can show examples of the aforementioned forgiveness to the world or even in his own country, then his allegations can be justified to a certain extent. However, he will never be able to show such examples. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib has made a mention of the incident of Raji’ where ten Muslim men were sent by the Holy Prophet (sa), at the request of the tribes of ‘Aḍal and Qarah, to teach them Islam under the leadership of  ‘Aṣim bin Thabitra. However, in actuality, as was later discovered, these people were liars and had come to Madinah upon the incitement of the Banu Laḥyan, who sought revenge for the execution of their chief, Sufyān bin Khālid. They have contrived the plan to kill Muslims. This party of Muslims was attached by 200 young men from the Banū Laḥyān, 100 of whom were archers. But how could 10 Muslims compete against 200 warriors? The Muslims, however, had not been taught to throw in their arms. The Companions immediately ascended to a nearby hillock and prepared for battle. ‘Asim (ra) raised his head towards the heaven and said, “O God! You are witnessing our state. Do convey knowledge of our condition to Your Messenger.” Hence, ‘Asim (ra) and his Companions stood and fought and were eventually martyred in battle.” His body was protected from the ill intention of disbelievers who wanted to drink wine in his skull, as   a swarm of bees covered his body and then the body was sept away beyond the reach of idolaters. Hazrat ‘Asim, (ra), is also known as Hami-ud-Dabar i.e. the person who was saved by wasps or bees.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood replied, ‘Say, “O My servants who have committed excesses against their own souls! despair not of the mercy of Allah, surely Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is Most Forgiving, Merciful. (Al-Zumar 54) Hazrat Umar (ra) told him to ask which of the verses of the Holy Quran is the most promising? Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood answered, ‘It shall not be according to your desires, nor according to the desires of the People of the Book. Whoso does evil shall be rewarded for it; and he shall find for himself no friend or helper beside Allah.' (Al-Nisa 124). He then asked which is the verse of the Holy Quran which causes one to tremor the most?  In a narration it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet conferred a favour to one of the prisoners of Badr, Abu ‘Uzza ‘Amr bin Abdillah – who was a poet – by setting him free. The reason for this was that he said, “O Muhammad, I have five daughters and I am their only guardian. Hence, please set me free for them as an act of charity.” Subsequently, the Holy Prophet (sa) set him free. Upon this, Abu ‘Uzza said, “I make a solemn pledge to you that I will never fight you in the future, nor will I assist anyone in their wars against you”. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent him back and freed him without receiving anything in return. However, he broke his promise and was tempted back to the war by a war lord. During the fight, he was once again captured. When asked about his oath, he replied, “O Muhammad (sa)! I was compelled to fight as I have daughters to look after. Please be kind towards me.” A favour had previously been conferred upon him and he was set free. However, he came out to fight again. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Absolutely Not! Now it can never be done. By God! You will not be permitted to roam around Mecca saying that you deceived and fooled Muhammad (sa) twice, (God forbid). According to another narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that certainly, a believer cannot be bitten twice from the same hole. He then commanded Asim bin Thabit to kill him. He was only punished for treason and war, after he brokr his promise of peace. These days (Geert) Wilders, a Politician in Holland, is exceeding all bounds in attacking the character of the Holy Prophet (sa). If he can show examples of the aforementioned forgiveness to the world or even in his own country, then his allegations can be justified to a certain extent. However, he will never be able to show such examples. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib has made a mention of the incident of Raji’ where ten Muslim men were sent by the Holy Prophet (sa), at the request of the tribes of ‘Aḍal and Qarah, to teach them Islam under the leadership of  ‘Aṣim bin Thabitra. However, in actuality, as was later discovered, these people were liars and had come to Madinah upon the incitement of the Banu Laḥyan, who sought revenge for the execution of their chief, Sufyān bin Khālid. They have contrived the plan to kill Muslims. This party of Muslims was attached by 200 young men from the Banū Laḥyān, 100 of whom were archers. But how could 10 Muslims compete against 200 warriors? The Muslims, however, had not been taught to throw in their arms. The Companions immediately ascended to a nearby hillock and prepared for battle. ‘Asim (ra) raised his head towards the heaven and said, “O God! You are witnessing our state. Do convey knowledge of our condition to Your Messenger.” Hence, ‘Asim (ra) and his Companions stood and fought and were eventually martyred in battle.” His body was protected from the ill intention of disbelievers who wanted to drink wine in his skull, as   a swarm of bees covered his body and then the body was sept away beyond the reach of idolaters. Hazrat ‘Asim, (ra), is also known as Hami-ud-Dabar i.e. the person who was saved by wasps or bees.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood (ra) Hazrat Abdullah narrates, “Once Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood was feeling ill and became terrified. We asked, ‘We have never seen you this troubled at times of illnesses before this.’ He responded, ‘I became sick suddenly and do not consider myself as well prepared to face the afterlife and this is worrying me.’”

Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un was the brother of Hazrat Usman bin Maz’un and was the husband of Hazrat Safiya, who was the sister of Hazrat Umar.relationship with Him. Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un had multiple marriages. One of his wives was Hind bint Waleed who gave birth to Umar and Fatima, another wife was Fatima bint Abu Sufiyaan who gave birth to Aisha.  Then there was Umm-e-Wald who gave birth to Hafzah and Hazrat Sufiya bin Khitab gave birth to Hazrat Ramlah. He was nineteen years of age when he accepted Islam.

Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) So he accepted Islam at a very young age and his entire family left their homes in Mecca and resettled when the Migration to Medina took place. His family was hosted by Abdullah bin Salma Ujlani in Medina. When the Holy Prophet (sa) migrated from Mecca to Medina, he arranged permanent residences for Hazrat Qudama and his brothers by allotting them pieces of lands. Hazrat Qudama was amongst those early Muslims who had participated in both the migration to Abyssinia and to Medina.

Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un(ra) He was able to participate in the battle of Badr, Uhud and all other battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). When Hazrat Usman bin Maz’un passed away, left behind one daughter about whom he advised his brother Hazrat Qudama regarding her. Hazrat Qudama agreed to one proposal for her but the girl and the mother were inclined towards the another proposal. This matter was then presented to the Holy Prophet (sa). He called for Hazrat Qudama said to him, ‘This girl is an orphan. She will marry whomsoever she pleases. She will accept any one of the two marriage proposals that she prefers.’

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un (ra) Thus, this was the decision of the Holy Prophet (sa). This is how the Holy Prophet (sa) established freedom of choice for women and taught the Muslims to take special care of the orphan. He made sure that she is was not wronged because her father had passed.   Hazrat Qudama passed away on thirty-six Hijri at the age of sixty-eight years. After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’wwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated: Hazrat Asim bin Sabit was a sahabi(companion) of the Holy Prophet (sa). His father was Sabit bin Qais and his mother’s name was Shamoos bint Abu Aamir. The Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Abdullah bin Jahash. At the occasion of Battle of Uhud, when the disbelievers of Mecca launched a sudden attack, which caused a panic among the Muslims, Hazrat Asim remained fixed in his position next to the Holy Prophet (sa). He pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet (sa) upon death. He was among the archers appointed by the Holy Prophet (sa). He belonged to the Aus tribe and participated in the Battle of Badr. May God Almighty enable us to follow in the footsteps of these individuals who had deep insight about faith and through their loyalty and faithfulness they showed an outstanding level of love for the Holy Prophet (sa), and may He safeguard us from becoming part of any disorder.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Funeral Prayer in Absentia of Mrs Amatul Hafeez Bhatti Sahiba Mrs Amatul Hafeez Bhatti Sahiba – wife of Mahmood Bhatti sahib – of Karachi, who served as Sadr Lajna of the district of Karachi for a long time. She passed away on 27th September at the age of 93; To Allah we belong and to Him do we return.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Funeral Prayer in Absentia of Adnan Vandenbroeck Sahib  Adnan Vandenbroeck Sahib, who was the National Secretary Amoor-e-Kharja [External Affairs]. He passed away on the 29th September; To Allah we belong and to Him do we return. His father was Rizwan Vandenbroeck Sahib who was the first Belgian Ahmadi in the Belgium Jama’at who accepted Ahmadiyyat in 60s. Adnan Sahib did not accept Ahmadiyyat because of his father, in fact he said he wanted to research it for himself and thereafter he did the Bai’at 1994.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un The Companions Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood Hazrat Qudama bin Maz’un Funeral Prayers October 5th 2018 Funeral Prayer in Absentia of Adnan Vandenbroeck Sahib After accepting Ahmadiyyat he was very active in the field of Tabligh. He offered his prayers regularly, served the Jama’at and was loyal to the institution of Khilafat. He would listen to the Friday Sermon every week and would also make his children listen to it too. He had a deep bond with Khiilafat. May God Almighty elevate his status and grant him His forgiveness and mercy. May God Almighty grant the Jama’at with many devoted induvial like him. He leaves behind his wife, one son and one daughter; may God Almighty enable them to remain established on their faith and increase the strength of their faith and enable them to follow the footsteps of their father.