Changes in American Funeral Rites Chapter 11 (SFS) Chapter 17 (PAD&D)
Readings Question #1 How has the historical role of the “undertaker” evolved into today’s “funeral service practitioner”? How has this “evolution” impacted the responsibilities of today’s funeral director? How do current educational requirements reflect this change?
Readings Question #2 What impact did World War II have on the acceptance of embalming as a part of the American funeral rite? How has the acceptance of embalming influenced contemporary American funeral rites?
Readings Question #3 Historically, the price of the casket represented the cost of the funeral. How has this concept changed?
Readings Question #4 How has the “mobility” of today’s society impacted funeral rites? How might it impact the family’s choice of funeral home? Cemeteries with year-round maintenance programs and perpetual care features are becoming more popular.
Readings Question #5 How has the role of the church changed with respect to funeral rites?
Readings Question #6 In Chapter 17 of Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying, Canine addresses four basic criticisms that Jessica Mitford had of the funeral service profession. Name the four criticisms and tell how a “reasonable and prudent” funeral director might respond to them.
Readings Question #7 Durkheim, Malinowski, and Mendelbaum have done extensive research on rituals and ceremonies. Describe the focus of research for each of these theorists. What conclusions did they come to? How might these results impact the way funeral directors make funeral arrangements with families?
Current and Future Trends Chapter 12 (SFS) “aging” society (decreasing death rate) diversity in “types” of families political action groups educational changes cremation rate preneed and aftercare
Tradition in Transition (1980) “These keys are in the hands of the individual funeral service practitioners. Their personal commitment to service, their adaptation and acceptance to change and their belief in themselves are the successful ways to face the future.”