Video Space
Objectives Use the video frame to control what viewers see Compose images and action for the two- dimensional screen Create the illusion of depth in the image Exploit the elements of scale, distance, position, and relationship
About Video Space Video information is limited by the borders of the image, or “window” No matter how close you get to the screen, you can never see anything beyond its borders. The screen is flat. It has only two dimensions instead of three. Image 3-1
The Laws of Video Space What is outside the frame does not exist, unless that existence is implied Height and breadth are determined solely by the frame, and depth is only an illusion Size, position, distance, relationship, and movement are not fixed Direction is determined solely by the frame.
The Frame The frame defines and controls what the viewer sees Screen composition and movement are defined by reference to the frame around the image Image 3-2
Frame Off Exclude something completely from the image Ex: “Frame-off the tree” vs. “Frame the tree” What is Outside the Frame Does Not Exist The sound stage or location may be packed with people, cameras, lights, and sound equipment…but they are invisible to the audience
The Frame Control Content cont. Video makers use the frame to alter reality Having a small number of people gather together in a tight frame makes it look like there are more people Framing only well-kept homes in a neighborhood and excluding run-down homes makes the neighborhood look nicer
The Frame Control Content cont. Example: Because of the surrounding shots, we are made to believe that the woman is at a rodeo, but she is in fact in the desert.
The Power of the Frame
The Power of the Frame
The Frame Determines Composition and Movement Video makers use the frame to control how information is presented Composition is the organization of the elements (parts) of the picture. Elements are arranged by their relationship to the frame that surrounds them. Without the defining border supplied by the frame, composition would be impossible
Video Dimensions Height (vertical) and Breadth (horizontal) are determined solely by the frame
Spatial Relations Size, Position, Distance, Relationship, and Movement are not Fixed Two actors may escape from a full-size vehicle just before it explodes, but the car that actually blows up is a small model. Two aircrafts may pass each other in close range, but in actuality, they are a safe distance apart.
Relationships among Objects You can edit two or more separate shots together into what seems like a continuous action Crossing a courtyard in a few short steps. In the real world, the location is wide and obstructed by a huge fountain. Walking up several flights of stairs. In the real world, the same set of stairs is used over and over but with different floor numbers. Two characters having a conversation. In the real world, the actors are filmed separately, but in similar looking sets.
Relationships among Objects Insert 3-10 p. 42
Direction of Movement Video makers can control the way in which on-screen people get places. Direction is determined solely by the frame.
Back to the Frame The powerful border of the frame lets video makers dictate what is in the screen world, where it its located, how big it is, and how it relates to other things in the video world.