Exchange bias and magnetocaloric effect in LaCr0. 9Ru0 Exchange bias and magnetocaloric effect in LaCr0.9Ru0.1O3 at low temperature Subodh Kumar De Department of Materials Science Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Kolkata - 700 032, INDIA
LaCrO3 G-type Antiferromagnet with TN = 292 K Weak ferromagnetism due to spin canting Modification of FM phase by substitution at Cr site Replacement of Cr (3d) by Ru (4d) Mixed magnetic (FM and AFM) phase Oxidation state of Cr controls magnetic phase
Crystal structure: Orthorhombic Single phase
Magnetization with temperature Evidence of FM and AFM phases
XPS data Mixed valency of Cr (2+ and 3+), Concentration: 37% (2+), 63% (3+) Oxygen vacancy concentration 31%
Magnetic Exchange Interaction Superexchange AFM Interaction Cr3+(d3) - O - Cr3+(d3) Cr2+(d4) – O – Cr2+(d4) Double exchange FM Interaction Cr3+(d3) - O – Cr2+(d4) Cr3+(d3) – O – Ru4+(d4)
Exchange bias effect
Temperature Variation Anomalous variation at around 100 K
Field Dependence Magnetic filed controls volume fraction of FM and AFM phases
Entropy Calculation
Magnetocaloric Effect Co existence of normal and inverse magneto caloric effect
SUMMARY Enhancement of FM component in AFM compound. Large exchange bias field. Co-existence of normal and inverse magnetocaloric effect in same material. Mixed valency and oxygen vacancy play important roles to tune magnetic properties of LaCrO3 .
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