How We Really Learn AP Literature Mr. Vogel
Motivation Theory states that only you can motivate yourself. Personal Value: The situation must be beneficial to you. Future Goals: The situation must tie into your goals and plans. Appropriate Situation: You must know what is expected of you in any situation. How Likely is Success: You must see the possibility of being successful. Motivation Theory
Perception and Emotional Blackmail Perception: Everyone’s perception is his/her reality. Emotional Blackmail: Blaming others for the emotions/feelings you experience. “You made me sad!” No F.E.A.R.: False Education Appearing Real Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: You will do what you think you can do. Perception and Emotional Blackmail
We Know We’ve Learned When. . . The Blank Tape: The human brain is like a tape recorder set on “record.” Everything we experience is potentially stored. Network of Schemata: Schema are chunks of information. A schemata is a network of chunks/information. We tend to remember the most recent/important, the most traumatic, and the most repeated areas of study/practice. We Know We’ve Learned When. . .
Schemata Building We build schemata by having new experiences. Reading Traveling Meeting people Obtaining information (news) Eating Learning a Language Anything new will build schemata Schemata Building
Information Processing Theory
Difficulties in Activation No connections Material only read/studied once Lack of motivation (No personal value etc.) Difficulties in Activation
Activation with Greater Ease Have a meaningful connection Practice Have a linked motivation to learning experience Activation with Greater Ease
Blooms Taxonomy: Levels of Learning Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Blooms Taxonomy: Levels of Learning
Grammar: Knowledge and Application of rules allow us to write and speak appropriately. Writing and Speech: We use language to Synthesize (create) our own ideas. Literature: We Evaluate or make judgments about characters we read about. We make connections. Areas Of English
English class is all about reading and writing English class is all about reading and writing. It goes beyond reading and writing to include the activities we are most involved in: speaking and listening. English Class
How Do I Study? Metacognition: Thinking about your thinking. Having a plan for your learning and not just acting without thinking. Reflect on every aspect of what needs to be accomplished. Plan steps to accomplish it. How Do I Study?
Want to Give Less than 100%? If we only gave 99%. . . Power would go off 15 minutes every day. An airline would lose luggage for two people every flight. A magazine would have nine misspelled words on every page. A major hospital would give new parents the wrong baby 28 times a year. Want to Give Less than 100%?
Less than 100%? How about 99.9 percent effort? You would have one hour of unsafe drinking water every month. There would be two unsafe landings every day at major airports. The U.S. Postal Service would lose 16,000 pieces of mail every day. 22,000 checks would be deducted from the wrong accounts every day. 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions would be issued every year. 500 incorrect surgical operations would be performed every week. Less than 100%?