Union Action Gertrude Usiku
Priority to Labour Rights To promote, protect, and defend, T.U rights Promotion of Social Dialogue Sensitise T.U Leaders on issues of International Standards Create awareness among affiliate Unions Issue letter of Protest to Government and demonstrate if need be To lobby for solidarity with International affiliates
Employment Opportunities Govt have a system in place for employment opportunities To employ people with disabilities and HIV and AIDS without discrimination Bargain Collectively for Permanent employment Discourage Outsourcing, retrenchments, and Flexi working hours
Social Dialogue Tripartite system in place to promote social dialogue Consultation done by Govt with stakeholders regularly to discuss matters of mutual concern International participation and conventions rectified that benefit T.U’s Social security and freedom of association Promoting DW Labour Act guiding document on labour issues Social dialogue create industrial harmony Through training create awareness on social protection Investors to follow laid down labour legislation
Gender Equality National Gender Policy in Place Gender Co-ordinator employed to deal with gender issues at T.U level Promote gender equality at T.U level T.U to establish regional gender structures
Action Plan of the T.U Training and workshops for Union Members Recruit Youth and Women into T.U Promote decent work through NAPWU’s monthly News letter Summarise document on decent work for the workers
Concern of Youth Recruitment of Youth into T.U’s Training and workshops on trade union issues Most youth not interested Non attendance of meetings more especially civil servants Miss matches with regards to supply and demand of labour Succession plan for youth
Promotion of Country program Country program needs to be summarised Training and workshops be run on decent work
Union Training on decent work It starts with me as representative to run workshops on decent work To sensitise workers on decent work Lobby for inclusion in legislation Use ILO material to promote decent work