Cost Benefit Analysis of utilizing three tiers of support in changing behavior: What gives you the biggest return on investment? Laura a. riffel, ph.d.
Rule Number one Behavior is learned and serves a specific purpose (Bandura and Glasser) If you are given a task you don’t want to do…start crying. They will send you to the “thinking” chair. - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
This would never happen on Mars!!! Rule number two Behavior is related to the context within which it occurs (Bambara & Knoster) This would never happen on Mars!!! - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17 Royalty free pic from
Rule number three We should deliver the intervention with consistency and fidelity for one month for every year that the behavior has been in place (Lally et al.). - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Where reinforcement flows Rule number four We can improve behavior by 80% just by pointing out what one person is doing correctly (Shores, Gunter, & Jack). Behavior goes…. Where reinforcement flows - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Rule number five We know we can improve behavior by labeling with behavior specific praise; but we use it less than 10% of the time (Haydon et al.) - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
On the front of your notes On the front, write down an idea you can use this next year to give more behavior specific praise this year. Beads on a lanyard Beads on a shoelace 3x5 card with tears on long side vs. short site Vibrating watch Paper clips from one pocket to another pocket Bracelets from one wrist to another wrist M&Ms in a jar for you to eat on Friday Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Rule number six When we want compliance from a non-compliant child, we should offer equal choices and deliver the direction from the right side of the student (Tomassi & Marzoli). L R - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Share with your neighbor How might you have used this with a student in the past? Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
…Figures out the function Rule number seven All behavior falls into two categories(Alberto & Troutman): It’s all fun and games Until Someone…. …Figures out the function Of your behavior. - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
These are the things students are trying to access: Rule number eight These are the things students are trying to access: Attention Access to preferred items Sensory input - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Rule number nine These are the things students are trying to escape: Work/Tasks Attention (Adults-Peers) Pain (Physical or Emotional) Sensory Overload - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Rule number ten Whenever a behavior happens, it is your reaction that determines whether you see it again or not. We have to change our behavior (Alberto & Troutman).. - Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Share with your neighbor Review the ten rules What was your favorite? Which one surprised you? How will you share this with others? Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17
Break Behavior Doctor Seminars ™®© FY17