School Support Council & Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation WELCOME!! Many thanks to: School Support Council & Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation 2017-18
College Acceptance and Dual Enrollment Academic Counseling (Career and College) Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Enrollment (DE)
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Dr. Jeck asked if this was number of students or number of tests - it is number of tests.
46% scored a 3, 4, or 5 - those are considered passing scores by the College Board.
Dual Enrollment with LFCC 2016-17 Fall 2016 Number of Students Number of Credits Fauquier High 184 1274 Kettle Run High 208 1299 Liberty High 88 505 Spring 2017 Number of Students Number of Credits Fauquier High 210 1260 Kettle Run High 211 1120 Liberty High 106 566
Dual Enrollment with Richard Bland 113 FCPS students took 6 credits English Literature-AP/DE English 12
Sample Transcript 6 credits accepted for US Government 6 Credits accepted for US History 6 Credits accepted for Western Civ
ACCEPTED! FHS - Class of 2018 CNU - 15 of 22 accepted (68%), those accepted had an average GPA of 3.79, Average ACT of 25, Average SAT of 1187 =-597-Eng / 590 Math JMU - 7 of 21 accepted (33%), those accepted had an average GPA of 3.86, Average ACT of 25, Average SAT of 1191 = 587- Eng/ 604 Math VT - 6 of 9 accepted (67%), those accepted had an average GPA of 4.11, Average ACT of 30, Average SAT of 1345 = 682- Eng/663 Math UVA - 3 of 17 accepted (18%), those accepted had an average GPA of 4.10, Average ACT of 29, Average SAT of 1303 = 653- Eng/650 Math
College Night September 25, 2018 LFCC 6:00PM