Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus.


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Presentation transcript:

Itty Bitty Male Organ Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus

Every guy wants to make sure he practices proper male organ care, and so they hopefully are regularly examining their members for signs of irregularities that may need to be explored. (Hopefully those irregularities are not there – but a man doesn’t know unless he checks for them.) But when he does spot something that’s different, it can be hard to know if it’s reason for alarm or not. Take male organ bumps, for instance. In some cases, they could be a sign of something serious, such as a social disease. But in so many cases, they are brought about by something much more benign. That’s the case when male organ bumps are due to lichen nitidus.

What is lichen nitidus? Most people have never heard of lichen nitidus, which is not unusual. It is a fairly uncommon issue for men or women. As with many things which cause male organ bumps, it’s a skin condition. It comes about as a result of abnormal inflammatory conditions in skin cells, although what causes the inflammation to occur is currently unknown. Normally, when the body senses an infection, it produces white blood cells called T lymphocytes and sends them into action to conquer the infection. But in the case of lichen nitidus, the body is producing these T lymphocytes in response to a false alarm; there isn’t an infection that needs fighting, but something is happening in the body that it mistakenly believes to be an infection.

With lichen nitidus, these extra white blood cells cause small little skin- colored bumps to appear in an area or areas of the body. Although this article is concerned with male organ bumps, lichen nitidus can actually present anywhere on the body. These bumps are fairly distinctive, as they tend to “glisten” a little. Because they are very small – usually 1 – 2 millimeters – and because they are essentially flesh colored (a light pink in people with light skin, a lighter brown or black on people with darker skin, etc.), they may not be noticed for a little while. They can itch, but this is less common than with other conditions that cause male organ bumps.

Not serious As mentioned previously, lichen nitidus is considered a benign condition. It may cause some inconvenience, but it by itself is not dangerous. It also is not infectious and cannot be passed on to another person through contact. So a person may have sensual engagement with another person with no worries about spreading it. Still, it’s a good idea to see a doctor, to get a diagnosis that confirms that lichen nitidus and not another condition is responsible for the presence of the male organ bumps. Also, lichen nitidus sometimes occurs in tandem with other issues, such as eczema or Crohn’s disease, so being seen for lichen nitidus may lead to discovering another condition which may require treatment.

Treatment Usually lichen nitidus clears up on its own and requires no treatment. If the condition is itchy, antihistamines may be prescribed to relieve the need to scratch. If the condition is long lasting, a doctor may prescribe other treatments, such as a topical application of vitamin A, use of corticosteroids or phototherapy (which is use of light to treat a condition.)

Male organ bumps caused by lichen nitidus may also be aided by the regular application of a top drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It’s advisable to look for a crème that includes vitamin A, which as noted above is often prescribed for treating lichen nitidus. In addition, vitamin A has antibacterial properties known to help fight persistent manhood odor. In addition to this vitamin, the crème should also include vitamin D. Sometimes called the “miracle vitamin,” vitamin D has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.Man 1 Man Oil