Giant cell and Synthicium Induced by Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Hushang k.Hamad Student No : Dec 2018
» İntroduction to plant parasitic Nematodes. » Classification of PPNs according to feeding site. » Plant-Nematode Interactions » basic types of feeding cells. » Plant endoparasites. » Giant cell induced by RKN (Meloidogyne spp.). » syncytial cell induced by Cyst nematodes.
» More than 4,100 species of plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) have been identified,and some of them cause damage to economically important crops. A restricted group of genera is considered as major plant- pathogens whereas others are specific to a more limited range of crops. Some estimates suggest that PPNs cause a 77 billion dollar loss in agricultural production worldwide each year. » Most nematode damage occurs through direct alteration of plant cells, usually interfering with the normal cell cycle or by withdrawing nutrients from cell cytoplasm. » PPNs usually possess three to five pharyngeal glands that produce secretions, most of which are emitted thorough the stylet, that assist plant-nematode interaction (i.e., penetration, internal migration, and parasitism). Other glands (amphids, phasmids, adanal glands, and the excretory/secretory system) as well as hypodermis secretions are important in nematode cross-talk with plants.
» Ectoparasites: the nematode remains outside of the plant and uses its stylet to feed from the plant root cells. » Semi-endoparasites: nematodes partially penetrate the plant and feed at some point during their life cycle. » Migratory endoparasites: nematodes spend much of their time migrating through root tissues destructively feeding on plant cells. » Sedentary endoparasites: the nematode spends the majority of their life span sedentary inside the plant tissue establishing a highly specialized parasitism.
» Nematodes feed on all parts of the plant, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. Nematodes feed from plants in a variety of ways, but all use a specialized spear called a stylet. Note the differences in stylet length and shape. » he size and shape of the stylet is used to classify nematodes and also can be used to infer their mode of feeding. » Nematodes feed upon but “trick” the plant cells to enlarge and grow, thus producing one or more nutrient-rich feeding cells for the nematode. These feeding cells enable long term feeding associations, and form by repeated nuclear division in the absence of cell division (giant cells) or by the incorporation of adjacent cells into a syncytium formed by the breakdown of neighboring cell walls.
» (i) non-hypertrophied nurse cells; » (ii) single giant cells; » (iii) syncytia; » (iv) coenocytes.
RKN (Meloidogyne spp.) » Meloidogyne is a genus including more than 90 species. Only a few of them are considered as major pests (M. incognita, M. javanica, M. arenaria, and M. hapla).One of their main characteristics is that they are extremely polyphagous. » During a compatible interaction, the infective second-stage juveniles penetrate just behind the root tip and migrate between cells. They initially move toward the apex of the root and then turn around to invade the vascular cylinder. using cell wall hydrolytic enzymes such as endoglucanases, endoxylanases, pectatelyases, etc. » J2 then induces the dedifferentiation of five to seven parenchymatic root cells into multinucleate and hypertrophied feeding cells.These ‘‘giant cells’’ function as specialized sinks, supplying nutrients to the nematode until reproduction.
» The first sign of giant cell induction is cell cycle activation leading to the formation of vascular binucleate cells. Selected cells become multinucleate and enlarge considerably through additional synchronous nuclear divisions in the absence of cell division. » Giant cells expand by isotropic growth and may reach a final size about 400 times that of root vascular cells. » A characteristic feature of giant cells is their outstanding isotropic growth. Longitudinal section of a gall from Arabidopsis thaliana showing multinucleate giant cells
Cyst nematodes : » Cyst nematodes belong to the subfamily Heteroderinae.The genus Globodera spp and Heterodera spp. contain most of the agronomically important species, although species number is far larger in Heterodera. » J2, is the infective stage, in a similar manner to root-knot nematodes, they use their stylet to inject secretions from the gland cells. In contrast, they migrate intracellularly destroying cells from the outer layers of the root due to quick stylet thrusts combined with cell wall degrading and modifying proteins. » After the J2 becomes an adult, males leave the root to fertilize the females that have protruded through the root.
The female will swell upon maturity producing several hundred eggs outside and inside of her body. When she dies (4 wks old) her body will become a protective cyst for her young. Some eggs will hatch immediately, some later in the season, next year or years, or never. Their feeding cells are called syncytia, derived from one single cell (initial syncytial cell) that increases its size by fusion of adjacent cells after cell wall dissolution.
The syncytium can eventually be composed of more than 200 cells when it reaches its maximum size.Interestingly, the volume of a syncytium associated with a female can be 10- times larger than that caused by a male.
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