Global Gelcoat Market : Trends, Forecast, and Opportunity Analysis 1
Industry Profiles Snapshot Major ParameterDescription Market Segments by End Use Industry Wind, marine, construction, transportation, tank, and others Market Segments by Resin Chemistry Polyester, vinylester, epoxy and others Market Segments by Region North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. Top Companies Name Ashland Inc., Scott Bader, Allnex, Bufa Composite Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Polynt-Reichhold Group, and HK Research Corporation Trend Growth Rate and CAGR4.4% Key Industry Forecast The global gelcoat market is expected to reach an estimated $1.04 billion by 2022 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2017 to 2022 Key Industry Driver Driver: Growth in marine, wind and construction industries is driving gelcoat consumption. 2
Industry Overview Market Size The global gelcoat market is expected to reach an estimated $1.04 billion by 2022 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2017 to Emerging trends, which have a direct impact on the dynamics of the gelcoat industry, include a shift towards low styrene emission gelcoat and the development of gelcoat having compatibility with different resin system. Market Size (2022)$1.04 billion CAGR ( )4.4% 3 Industry Performance : Forecast