5 Causes of Bruised Male Organ Tissue and How to Treat It.


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Presentation transcript:

5 Causes of Bruised Male Organ Tissue and How to Treat It

Bruises are unsightly and uncomfortable, but usually, nothing to worry about. However, when a man sees one on his hulking member, he might react a little dramatically. Most bruises just need a little time and TLC to go away, but sometimes, bruises can be more than they appear and require a trip to the doc to be sure it’s just a bruise and not something more serious like a male organ fracture. Here’s a primer on bruised male organ tissue; think of it at Member Bruising 101, on what to look for, what may cause it, and how to treat and prevent bruises.

Bruised Male Organ Tissue: Symptoms Memberes fill with blood, that’s what they do. However, these mighty blood vessels can experience some form of trauma and burst. This is when a bruise appears on the surface of the skin. When this happens, these symptoms are most common: A bluish, purplish, or even greenish hue to the affected area Aching Pain when hard

Bruised Male Organ Tissue: Causes Athletic Intimacy -- In the era of “50 Shades,” adventurous intimacy is more widely discussed and as a result, it may be a little more widely practiced. In fact, according to a recent survey, 40 percent of Americans would classify themselves as more sensually adventurous. While adventure comes in many different flavors, many can result in a bruised member if all participants aren’t careful, especially for those into the BDSM lifestyle. However, getting out a crop isn’t the only way to experience intimacy-related member bruising. Very acrobatic, active, or rougher contact can also lead to bruising. How? Hitting an intimate partner’s pubic bone too hard is just one of the common ways to experience member bruising. Anything that puts pressure on the member can cause bruising when done excessively or too hard, so be sure to communicate with intimate partners during partner play.

Hematomas – Hematomas are next-level bruises. They become lumpy to the touch as blood from the injury pools beneath the skin. This can cause a very serious, very dangerous loss of blood flow. Men experiencing this should see a doctor immediately. Treatment can range from ice packs and ibuprofen to surgery to prevent the rupture of a major vein in the member. Activity-Related Injuries – Grab your pads and put on your cup because getting checked too hard in the paint can lead to bruised male organ tissue. Getting a bat in the goodies or one too many elbows can lead to member bruising.

Injury or Accidents – Whether it’s a car accident or walking junk first into the open junk drawer at home, member accidents happen. Be sure to get a thorough check for car or work accidents immediately. Most men won’t want to head to the doctor immediately for a household accident but always practice caution as male organ fractures can be quite dangerous.

Self-Pleasure – Choking the chicken is a great way to relieve stress and to discover what one likes sensually. However, doing so dry, too hard, or for too long can lead to bruised male organ tissue. Men should be especially wary of “Death Grip.” Men who self-pleasure excessively often find they have to intensify compression on the member to enjoy release. This creates a vicious circle of ever-increasing constriction and the grip becomes so disproportionate and the friction so forceful that it's difficult to orgasm. Take some time away to regain sensitivity and use a lubricant when engaged in solo play.

Bruised Male Organ Tissue: Treatment A normal bruise usually just needs a week or two to disappear. First, take time off activities like sports or intimate contact to let the tissue rest. Continuing to put it at risk can intensify and spread the bruise. Secondly, take some ibuprofen or acetaminophen if the pain warrants it. Another thing people find helpful for any kind of bruising is a compress. Cool compresses are ideal 24 to 48 hours after the bruise appears, but after that switch to warm compresses. The warmth gives blood vessels the ability to relax and expand so the damaged cells can be turned over and swept from the body.

Applying a high-quality specifically formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) can also help in healing. These specially created crèmes provide vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E topically to promote rejuvenation and cellular function. They also promote healthy blood flow to escort damaged cells from the premises.Man 1 Man Oil