Painless Piles Treatment
Piles Piles (Haemorrhoids in clinical terms) are commonly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ and ‘Bawaseer’ in vernacular terms. PilesHaemorrhoids Since the ailment is associated with anorectal part of the body, most people tend to avoid visiting a doctor for primary symptoms such as anal itching, pricking, hard stools, fingering during passing of motions bleeding during bowel movements, and pain. But don’t be a silent sufferer, show to Piles doctor for your concerns. As it is rightly said prevention is better than cure. Meeting Piles doctors or a Piles surgeon can help you solve and overcome health issues.
Symptoms In most cases, the symptoms of piles are not serious. They normally resolve on their own after a few days. An individual with piles may experience the following symptoms: A hard, possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus. It may contain coagulated blood. Piles that contain blood are called thrombosed external hemorrhoids. After passing a stool, a person with piles may experience the feeling that the bowels are still full. Bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement. The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore. Pain occurs during the passing of a stool.
Treatment MCDPA MCDPA An innovation of Dr Porwal himself, this is a conservative approach intended to halt and reverse the early disease without any surgical intervention.Dr Porwal LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty is the preferred treatment for Grade 2 and early stages of Grade 3 Piles. MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids ) MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids ) The procedure is usually done under short general anaesthesia and takes around minutes. Using the circular stapler.
Why Choose Healing Hands Clinic Till a few years ago, the most popular piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) treatment has been the conventional piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) surgery, which treats them temporarily but does not assure to eliminate prolapse and cure permanently. Healing Hands Clinic has come up with an ideal, holistic approach to cure Piles, the most common lifestyle diseases affecting anorectal health of individuals. Starting with the combination of MCDPA – medication, constac (herbal laxative), diet & lifestyle modification, physiotherapy and Ayurveda, we escalate to complex treatment procedures, as the disease advances to severe stage. Healing Hands Clinic Other than this non surgical, we also provide surgical options which are painless procedure.
Healing Hands Clinic, a piles clinic also offers, painless piles treatment procedure known as Stapler Surgery & latest laser surgery. With these method patient can be treated with only 24 hours of hospitalization.Stapler Surgerylaser surgery These methods involves blood free environment, less pain, no stitches, etc. Post-surgery also there is negligible pain and after 3 days patient can join the duty also. For More Details : orhttps:// treatment/ treatment/
For appointments at Healing Hands Clinic Pune Station/Tilak Rd: Salunkhe Vihar: Baner: Chinchwad: Chakan: Navi Mumbai: Mumbai : Kemps Corner – Mumbai: Nashik: Bengaluru: Website:
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